Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/10/2009 - Planning Committee (Item 407)

TP/09/1216 - 1, HADLEY WAY, LONDON, N21 1AL




1.         Councillor Barker left the room and took no part in consideration of the application or the vote.


2.         Councillor Delman acted as Chairman for this item.


3.         The Head of Development Services' introduction of the application and the planning history and highlighting key issues and outlined the neighbour’s objections received in both consultation exercises.


4.         The statement of Councillor Martin Prescott, ward councillor, including the following points:

(i)  The illustrative slide did not show the current situation which was that the work was almost complete externally.

(ii)  The original intention had been to create five dwellings, and further applications may be forthcoming in the future.

(iii)  The development would cause parking problems.

(iv)  He had concerns about sizes of the rooms, and the size of the one bedroom flat failed to meet UDP required standards by a considerable amount.

(v)  The applicant had shown disregard for the planning authority.

(vi)  He urged refusal, but if Members were minded to approve then a condition should ensure that no more than three dwellings would be built.


5.         The deputation of Ms Kerry Wilkins, Hadley Way resident, including the following points:

(i)  Many local residents in Hadley Way, Wades Hill and Houndsden Road had objections to this proposal.

(ii)  The proposal did not conform to UDP standards in a number of areas including amenity space provision and stacking of compatible rooms.

(iii)  There would be an entirely internal kitchen giving rise to noise and smell extraction issues.

(iv)  The size of the one bedroom flat did not conform to policy standards.

(v)  It was feared that another unit may be added.

(vii)  The development represented an unacceptable change of character in an established residential area with a settled community and may encourage further conversions and overdevelopment of family dwellings.

(viii)  The proposals were contrary to relevant policies in the London Plan.


6.         The response of Mr Andrew Spitaliotis, the applicant, including the following points:

(i)  The picture on the illustrative slide was recent. No works had been completed inside; there were no water or gas pipes laid in the property and no kitchens or bathrooms, as he was waiting for planning permission. Only the structural works in relation to granted planning permission had been done and gardens were being built at the moment.

(ii)  Two planning applications were shown on the Council's website; on one the one bedroom flat was 38m² in area and on the other was 45m², and he had not know which would be considered this evening.

(iii)  He had met Planning officers for discussions before submitting this application.

(iv)  Many people in the borough lived in dwellings with a smaller square metre area, particularly where smaller houses were converted into flats.


7.         Advice on guidance on flat size within the UDP and London Plan consultation document, and feedback from appeal decisions.


8.         Confirmation that the plans submitted showed the one bedroom flat size as 38m².


9.         Confirmation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 407

Meeting: 22/09/2009 - Planning Committee (Item 338)





1.         Additional standard conditions on Levels and External Lighting.


2.         The Planning Officer's confirmation that the property to be converted had had no formal use for some time, but was currently a mixture of storage and office space.


3.         Councillor Simon's request for an additional condition to require a management plan for the communal garden areas, and the Planning Officer's clarification of the terraces and balconies proposed plus the contribution to off site provision.


AGREED that subject to the completion of a S106 agreement to secure the provision of off site parking, a financial contribution to off site improvements to the rear service road and play areas, the Head of Development Services be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the conditions set out in the report and additional condition below, for the reasons set out in the report.


Additional Condition:

Details of a scheme of management and maintenance of the amenity areas including landscaping, shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. The amenity areas shall be laid out in accordance with the approved details before the occupation of the first unit and thereafter maintained as set out in the approved details.


Reason:  in the interests of residential amenity and the quality of the resultant accommodation.