
Upper Edmonton Ward Forum - Thursday, 18th September, 2014 7.30 pm

No. Item





 Cllr. Savva opened the meeting by explaining that this was a new style forum and that the meeting was for the public to air their concerns. He explained that the minute taker was not a Council employee and that he, as Associate Cabinet Member, would automatically chair the forum. Cllr. Savva welcomed the Press and Mr Higham.


Cllr. Savva stated that, in order to get through the agenda, outstanding items from the minutes of the previous meeting would be dealt with at the next meeting in January 2015, which would include discussions on Cycle Enfield.


A resident raised the parking problems in Victoria Road, which had been ongoing for some time. Cllr. Stafford advised that he would arrange to meet with the Director of Environment to discuss these issues in more detail. He went on to say that people were generally unhappy about the CPZ in Edmonton and stated that, whilst work was being carried out on the NCR, part of Victoria Road had been closed, which had made a massive difference to the parking situation.

Action: Cllr Stafford





 Sgt. Jamie Moggridge introduced himself. He mentioned the dispersal zone, which covered much of Upper Edmonton and stated that the Police were actively encouraging Neighbourhood Watch.


Sgt.Moggridge advised that a dedicated Police Officer and two Romanian Officers were dealing with anti-social behaviour on wasteland owned by TFL. TFL would arrange an eviction and there were plans to work with the Romanian authorities in an attempt to address these issues. One resident stated that there were also people living in Craig Park and another resident said that individuals had also been living under the railway arch at Edmonton Green. However, the latter had now been moved on. Cllr. Brett advised that there was a Charity operating in Enfield that picked up people sleeping rough. Where such people were upsetting wildlife, there was a Wildlife Crime Officer. T


The mobile van had been out in Haselbury ward and Police had engaged with many school pupils. Sgt. Moggridge and the Schools Officer would set up individual twitter accounts to keep in touch with younger people.


Prostitution was an ongoing problem in Upper Edmonton and an operation was being carried out that evening. News of any arrests would be given at the next meeting. Operation Spyder was also ongoing.


Crime figures - Based on 8 areas of crime compared to August 2013 - Edmonton Green had one additional burglary (non-dwelling) and 1 additional theft of motor vehicle. All other crimes had reduced. Haselbury - increase in violence only. Upper Edmonton - increase in burglary dwelling, burglary (non-dwelling) and violence.


Sgt.Moggridge explained that a Met wide review of the Safer Neighbourhood Teams hours and responsibilities was taking place, as the Public had missed seeing Officers on the beat.


A resident asked what constituted harassment, as the Police had stopped him in Church Lane, as people from the Temple had apparently reported that he was taking photos. There was no evidence of this and Sgt. Moggridge confirmed that it would not have been illegal, if he had done so. He also stated that Police were unlikely to prosecute for waste of police time in such an instance.




Cllr. Brett confirmed that, in spite of Government cuts, Enfield Council was continuing with the fund, as it had proved very popular. 600 projects had been undertaken, including mentoring, sports, a small park, IT for Asian families etc. The total amount for this year had been reduced to £700,000, of which £243,390 had been allocated to the Edmonton area. Applications should be made as before, but the criteria had changed. There was now a maximum of £5000 per application per ward and each organisation could only make one application per ward, although the project could cover more than one ward. Although all three Ward Councillors should agree with the project, only one needed to sign the form before it went before the Sub-Committee.




Mr Higham confirmed that there had been no grounds to refuse the application to rebuild the Tamil Temple in Church Lane. The larger building had been refused and the footprint would be smaller than the current one, the same conditions applying, i.e. no more than 100 people on site apart from the Festival as a one-off annual event. He was aware that residents had expressed concerns and had attended a meeting the previous week with representatives from the Temple, where certain issues were resolved. There would be a follow-up meeting. Mr Higham confirmed that any expansion or change of use would require a new application.


A resident raised concern regarding residents’ access to the alleyways behind certain properties in Church Lane and Latymer Road . It also appeared that the alleyway in the Latymer Road vicinity was being used for storage. Mr Higham stated that the Council had no control over who bought the properties or had access, but that they had looked at the temporary building and storage facilities. He confirmed that one area was in the process of being cleared following last week’s meeting.


A resident of Church Lane advised that since the start of the demolition, juggernauts had been coming down the road. On the previous Tuesday a large crane lorry had arrived at 6.30 am and one had been forced to reverse into St. Joan’s Road. The Site Manager was not instructing the drivers which entrance to use. Mr Higham confirmed that construction nuisance was not a reason to refuse planning permission, but that the Council had powers over noise levels and hours of working/deliveries.


Discussion took place regarding the location of the Temple in Church Lane and Cllr. Stafford acknowledged concerns regarding this.


A resident referred to a recent planning application in Church Street, which, although apparently refused, the work appeared to have started. Mr Higham explained the planning application process and how this might apply to this particular application. He would however instruct the Planning Enforcement to look into this matter and advise of the outcome.

Action: Andy Higham


4 Church Street - Take-away Restaurant. – This matter was currently in the hands of the Planning Enforcement Team. Future updates would be provided accordingly.


Charity Hall - Cllr. Stafford advised that negotiations continued with the Trustees (All Saints Church).Further updates would be provided once the negotiations had been finalised.




Cllr. Stafford explained that, as it was so difficult to find land within Enfield to build on, the Council had formed a company; Housing Gateway Ltd to buy houses. The Council would then charge rent to the occupants.




It was suggested that the Council needed to promote free festivals and ensure that they supported businesses.


A resident requested that parking problems from Capital Restaurant be discussed at the next forum. She advised that an ambulance had recently been unable to access Park Road. Cllr. Stafford advised that the Council was trying to acquire a car park for the restaurant on a nearby piece of wasteland. In the meantime double yellow lines were suggested for the restaurant side of the road.


A Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator had expressed concern at the non-attendance of Enviro-crime Officers at CAPE meetings, current lack of communication between Council Officers and Neighbourhood Watch (which used to be excellent), lack of response from waste management regarding the number of bins not being emptied and no response from the ‘report it’ facility.


Flytipping was a problem in Wimborne Road, Church Lane and Winchester Road.




1)    Update on Angel Corner traffic problems


2)    Update on Park Road Traffic problems


3) Enfield Residents’ Priority Fund




22nd January at Millfield House, Silver Street, N18


23 April 2015 at Raynham School Hall, Raynham Avenue, N18 2JQ