Agenda item


Cabinet members may wish to take this opportunity to raise any issues which may be of interest to Cabinet colleagues.


20.1Leader of the Council


Councillor Michael Rye (Leader of the Council) was pleased to report that the Council had been awarded 4 stars by the Audit Commission, a sign of excellence. This demonstrated the significant progress that the Council had made. Councillor Rye read out to Members the Summary of the Direction of Travel for the authority which was a fair and balanced judgement. It demonstrated that the Council was improving well and had the capacity for further improvement. Councillor Rye took this opportunity to express his thanks and appreciation to Cabinet Members past and present, Conservative Group Members, the Chief Executive and officers throughout the Council who had contributed to the success and progress of the authority.


Councillor Rye also reported on a positive meeting which had taken place with the two Deputy Mayors of London and the North London Strategic Alliance considering partnership working and future funding possibilities. It was noted that a more consultative and flexible approach was now being adopted.


20.2Adult Social Services


Councillor Edward Smith (Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services) was pleased to report that the Council had been successful in winning a Beacon Award for its work in supporting Independent Living for Disabled Adults. The award ceremony had taken place the previous evening and had been attended by a number of Members, Officers and service users from Enfield. Councillor Smith noted that the competition element of the award process had resulted in improved services and increased levels of motivation. Councillor Smith paid tribute to Ray James, Director of Health and Adult Social Care, and his team for the excellent work which had resulted in the award. The bid had received outstanding scores in every element of the award.


Members also acknowledged the contribution which had been made by Councillor Alan Barker, previous Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services.


Councillor Smith was also pleased to note the contribution which Adult Social Services had made in the achievement of the Council’s recent 4 star assessment by the Audit Commission.


20.3Customer Focus, Communications and Corporate Improvement


Councillor Ann Zinkin (Cabinet Member for Customer Focus, Communications and Corporate Improvement) had also attended the Beacon Award ceremony the previous evening and reiterated the significant achievement of the Council in receiving the award.


Councillor Zinkin was pleased to advise Members that a number of teams within the Council had maintained their ISO 9001:2000 certification following recent reviews. The Teams included Concessionary Travel, Translation and Interpreting Services, General Enquiries and Print and Design Services. The review system was rigorous and all teams had demonstrated excellent quality management. Congratulations were extended to all officers involved.


20.4Education and Children’s Services


Councillor Glynis Vince (Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services) was pleased to report that 94% of Enfield parents had been allocated a school of their preference at secondary transfer. Approximately 61% had received their first preference school.


Members were advised that the rate of teenage pregnancies in the Borough had reduced by 13%.


Councillor Vince reported that she was due to visit approximately 45 schools from now until the end of term. She would be accompanied by Martin Cocks, School Governor, and expressed appreciation of his hard work and support.


Councillor Vince and Andrew Fraser, Joint Interim Director of Education, Children’s Services and Leisure, had been pleased to award prizes yesterday to the winners of the recent poster competition for Healthy Eating. Councillor Vince would also be awarding prizes to the winners of the healthy eating recipe competition at the Tescos store in Edmonton on Saturday.


20.5Environment and Street Scene


Councillor Terence Neville (Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Scene) was pleased to report that with regard to parking and traffic services Enfield had achieved the best figures in London for appeals with the motorist winning only 30% of appeals with the adjudicator which demonstrated that the Penalty Charge Notices were being issued correctly. It was noted that the contract for Traffic Wardens in Enfield precluded any bonus payments. Ian Davis, Director of Environment and Street Scene, undertook to circulate to Members the comparative figures with other London Boroughs.


Members were advised that Enviro–crime had made a successful prosecution against a Skip company who had been found guilty of fly-tipping in the Borough. Members noted and praised the actions of a member of the public which had led to the prosecution.


Councillor Neville was pleased to report that Enfield and the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority had been awarded a Commendation by the Mayor of London, at the London Planning Awards on 24 February 2009 for the Lee Valley Athletics Centre. It had been a joint entry in the Best Built Project category for which there had been 6 shortlisted. The Scheme had been up against some very high profile developments such as St Pancreas station (high speed 1 rail link) and the More London development next to City Hall. Members acknowledged the significant achievement for the Borough and paid tribute to the involvement which Councillor John Jackson had had in the development of the Centre.


Members noted the success of the Council’s tree planting programme with over 1,000 trees having been planted in the Borough since the Autumn. The programme would continue with additional funding due to be received from TfL in 2009/10.


Councillor Neville advised Members that the new Grounds Maintenance contract for highway grass verges and shrub beds had now begun. This would include fortnightly grass cuts during the growing season.


20.6Housing and Community Safety


Councillor Matthew Laban (Cabinet Member for Housing and Community Safety) was pleased to note that Community Housing Services had scored 4 stars in the Audit Commission report, he expressed his thanks and appreciation to Ray James, Director of Health and Adult Social Care, and Sally McTernan, Assistant Director Community Housing Services, and their staff for this significant achievement.


Councillor Laban advised Members of a forthcoming meeting with the Deputy Mayor of London with regard to Community Safety, he would be highlighting his concerns for Enfield and the resources which were required in the Borough to adequately support community safety issues.


20.7Leisure, Culture, Olympics 2012 and Voluntary Sector


Councillor Jon Kaye (Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture, Olympics 2012 and Voluntary Sector) highlighted the important role of the voluntary sector in the Borough and its contribution to the recent 4 star assessment of the authority. Councillor Kaye reported on the recent initiatives to support volunteers and various groups in the Borough.


Members were advised that Leisure Services had successfully met its target for the percentage of pupil time spent on school sports in the Borough’s schools.


Councillor Kaye reported on the developments at various libraries in the Borough: building work had now begun on the renovation and expansion of Enfield Town library; major refurbishment had begun on Bush Hill Park Library; the launch of Fore Street Library had taken place on 19 February 2009; and, he had attended the recent opening of the new Enfield Island Village Library.


20.8Finance and Resources


Councillor Ertan Hurer (Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources) was pleased to note that Benefits had achieved a score of 4 stars in the Audit Commission report, this was a significant achievement in the current economic climate. In addition, the Use of Resources had scored 3 stars. He extended his congratulations to all involved.


Councillor Hurer provided an update on the progress of the Council’s LEANER programme. The aim to review and rationalise the Council’s use of office space as part of the new ways of working project had begun with the lease on Gor Ray House due to end on 31 March 2009. In addition, four reviews (Parks, Sports and Play, Pest Control and Other Waste Services) were underway as part of the Right First Time project; these were expected to report on options and recommendations early in April. Service reviews of the Finance function and legal services were also to take place.


Members were advised that the Council had successfully prosecuted an individual for fraudulently claiming Council Tax Single Person Discount.