Agenda item


A report from the Director of Environment and Street Scene is attached. This gives details of the settlement for transport related spending within the Local Implementation Plan (LIP) for 2009/10 and outlines the implications for the Council’s programme of transport schemes. (Key decision – reference number 2822)

(Report No.202)


Councillor Terence Neville (Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Scene) introduced the report of the Director of Environment and Street Scene (No.202) detailing the settlement for transport related spending within the Local Implementation Plan (LIP) for 2009/10 and outlining the implications for the Council’s programme of transport schemes.




1.         that Enfield had been allocated £2.688m for 2009/10, as detailed in section 5 of the report. The report set out in detail how the funding was to be allocated. Councillor Neville explained to Members the funding for the maintenance of principal roads in Enfield and how this compared to other London Boroughs. It was noted that Enfield’s principal roads were relatively well-maintained in relation to other areas of London. Members noted the significant investment which had been made by the Council in recent years;


2.         the range of schemes to be funded within the Local Implementation Plan, as detailed in the report, including safety schemes, walking and cycling. Members discussed the provision of cycle routes and reiterated the view that these should be provided away from main roads where possible. Views on this issue were currently being sought by TfL;


3.         that the reference to Salisbury School in the report should be amended to read Turin Grove School;


4.         that Councillor Edward Smith highlighted the proposed area based scheme for Southgate Town Centre, as set out in the report. It was noted that a further bid for funding would be made in due course and that any scheme would be subject to consultation, including with the Ward Councillors. The current traffic congestion experienced in the area was noted.


Alternative Options Considered: None. The LIP was a statutory requirement arising from the GLA Act 1999.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed


1.         the expenditure of £860,000, the programme, and schemes for the Principal Road Renewal Programme for 2009/10 as given in Section 6.9 of the report;


2.         the expenditure of £472,000, the programme and schemes for Local Safety for 2009/10 as given in Section 6.9 and associated consultation and Traffic Management Orders subject to agreement with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Scene;


3.         the expenditure of £300,000, the programme and schemes for 20 mph Zones for 2009/10 as given in Section 6.9 and associated consultation and Traffic Management Orders subject to agreement with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Scene;


4.         the expenditure of £25,000, the programme and schemes for the Road Safety Education, Training and Publicity Programme for 2009/10;


5.         the expenditure of £190,000 for the Walking Programme for 2009/10;


6.         the expenditure of £165,000, the programme and schemes for Cycling (London Cycle Network Plus) for 2009/10 and associated consultation and Traffic Management Orders subject to agreement with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Scene;


7.         the expenditure of £115,000, the programme and schemes for Cycling (Non London Cycle Network Plus) for 2009/10;


8.         the expenditure of £77,000, and the programme for Bus Stop Accessibility for 2009/10. The schemes and associated consultation and Traffic Management Orders would be subject to agreement with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Scene;


9.         the expenditure of £125,000, and the programme for Bus Priority for 2009/10. The schemes and associated consultation and Traffic Management Orders would be subject to agreement with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Scene;


10.       the expenditure of £60,000, for Streets for People for 2009/10;


11.       the expenditure of £284,000 and programme for School Travel Plans for 2009/10;


12.       the expenditure of £5,000, the programme and schemes for Travel Awareness for 2009/10;


13.       the expenditure of £10,000 for Noise Mapping;


14.       there were no funds allocated for the following programme areas: Local Area Accessibility, Bridge Assessment and Strengthening, Town Centres, Station Access Improvements, Freight, Controlled Parking Zones, Route Strategies, and Regeneration;


15.       the submission of reports to Transport for London based upon the information contained within the report;


16.       that the decision on how to spend the £100,000 allocation referred to in paragraph 4.3 of the report be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Scene.


Reason: To give details of the settlement for transport related spending within the Local Implementation Plan (LIP) for 2009/10 and to outline the implications for the Council’s programme of transport schemes. To seek the necessary financial and other approvals so that work could start in April 2009.  

(Key decision – reference number 2822)

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