Agenda item



Councillor Matthew Laban (Cabinet Member for Housing and Community Safety) introduced the report of the Director of Place Shaping and Enterprise (No.207) which was circulated at the meeting for Members only. 




1.         that Minute No.11 above also refers;


2.         that further advice had been received in response to the questions raised by Members at the last meeting. Members expressed concern at the time which they had been given in which to consider the report and stated that in future where the Cabinet is corporately involved in such a contract there was a need for Members to be involved in the process from the beginning and to be briefed on the methodology to be used. The Chief Executive would be undertaking a review of such procurement processes and procedures to be followed in the future;


3.         in response to individual Member questions, assurances were provided by officers with regard to the companies involved and the measures within the contract to mitigate the risks to the Council. Members were advised in detail of the processes to be followed with regard to the initial five schemes of work, as detailed in the report, and the need for satisfactory performance in all aspects of the work and its delivery prior to further schemes of work being undertaken;


4.            Members’ request that a further report be presented to Cabinet at the mid point of the first five schemes on the progress to date and the proposals for future schemes subject to satisfactory performance having been achieved;


5.         in response to a question raised it was noted that the contract offered value for money for the Council and the arrangements within the contract to safeguard this were explained;


6.         that the Cabinet was making its decision based on the professional advice of the Council’s Section 151 Officer, the Chief Executive of Enfield Council and the Chief Executive of Enfield Homes.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED that the alternative options considered were set out in Report No.205, Minute No.11 above refers.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed that


1.         the Council enters into a contract with the company detailed in the report, for works and associated constructor design fees (detailed in the report) in respect of the first five sections of the works and provisional sums (detailed in the report) in respect of the remaining sections subject to the completion of statutory leaseholder notice of proposal consultation;


2.         that the five sections of work set out in table 4 of the report be approved for commencement subject to leaseholder consultation;


3.         a further report be presented to Cabinet at the mid point of the first five schemes, as detailed in noted 4 above.


Reason: The selection of a major works construction partner was necessary for the Council to expand the delivery of its Decent Homes programme, meet tenant and leaseholder expectations on accelerated improvements to the Council’s housing stock, and access additional government funding in 2009/10. 


(Exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended)

(Key decision – reference number 2729)



The meeting ended at 9.30pm.