Agenda item



The Mayor made the following acceptance speech:


“Honoured and distinguished guests, friends, colleagues, fellow councillors I would like to welcome you and to thank you all for showing your support by being here today.  


I would like to thank Councillors on both sides of the chamber for supporting the nomination in electing me to serve as Mayor for the forthcoming year. I will endeavour to carry out my duties with dignity and to the high standards set by my predecessors. I would particularly like to thank both Mike and Jeff for the very kind words of introduction.


My thanks to Lee and Marcia Chamberlain for their work during the year. For Lee’s support during the twinning with Halandri and Sariyer.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the late Deputy Mayor, Councillor John Jackson who was my mentor throughout my political career, as he is greatly missed. My gratitude also to Councillor Terence Neville for all his mentoring and support during my time on the various committees.


So who am I?  I am a foster carer and I truly believe in helping and guiding young people to develop their skills for life. This is why I have decided that my charity for this year will raise funds to assist children and young people within the community of Enfield.  I hope that you will all support my fund raising efforts.


I have lived in Enfield for over 30 years. I am married to Androulla and we have a daughter and a grandson.  As we foster children our house is always a full house.


In 2002 I was elected as a councillor for the Bush Hill Park Ward.  One of my first experiences during my period of canvassing was when I knocked on a door which a typically alpha-male Greek opened, with one look at my rosette and a distinctive angry pointed finger, he said “I’m not voting for you Tories”.


So I said ok and thanked the man for this and politely noted that there were 6 people in the house eligible to vote and he said yes we voted for Savva.  So I thanked him for the 6 votes and promptly moved on.


I would like to finish off by saying that as a new councillor, on entering the Civic Centre dressed in jeans and a t-shirt Councillor Tony Dey saw me and said “you are a Conservative councillor now and your need to be appropriately dressed” So I apologised and followed his example and wore a suit and tie for my next visit to the Civic Centre.   Who do I see in front of me the very next day but Tony Dey in jeans and a t-shirt – that proved to me that we were a big happy family.


I am looking forward to my year in office and having the opportunity to visit as many organisations, charities and local groups that work tirelessly on behalf of those less fortunate than ourselves. 


To conclude, I must not forget to thank Androulla my wife for all her support and hard work which has enabled me to carry out my duties as a councillor and now as the Mayor.  I look forward to my year in office, and I hope that I can follow in the footsteps of my predecessors.


My thanks to my daughter and grandson Charlie who have flown in for the day to witness this event.  And to representatives from Courbevoie Madame Renaud and Monsieur Desesmaison, who have joined us tonight.


I am proud to serve, protect and celebrate all that is good in Enfield and ensure the borough is promoted to the best of my ability.”