Agenda item





1.  The two applications in relation to Truro House would be discussed together but voted on separately.


2.  Updates to the report including an extension of the walkway balconies to the northern elevation, a proposed additional condition in relation to the Davis House entrance, and confirmation that English Heritage considered the structural element acceptable.


3.  The deputation of Ms Christina Nicolaides, including the following points:

a.  She had been a resident of Ecclesbourne Gardens for about 25 years.

b.  The nearby mosque and the school in Oakthorpe Road already generated a lot of traffic congestion and parking problems locally.

c.  Residents were concerned there would not be sufficient parking provision for the number of units proposed, especially as some were four bed units, and this development would make traffic problems worse.


4.  The response of Dr Peter Smith, the agent, including the following points:

a.  27 car parking spaces would be provided and it was felt that this would be adequate, particularly considering the good public transport provision in the area.

b.  This amount of parking space would also allow as much parkland as possible to be retained.


5.  The statement of Councillor Henry Pipe, Palmers Green ward councillor, including the following points:

a.  The restoration of Truro House as a single dwelling was welcomed and the designs were high quality, but concerns remained regarding the scale and nature of the development and the parking provision.

b.  He highlighted the guarded comments of English Heritage and others set out on page 73 of the report and the concerns raised by Arriva on page 74.

c.  The surrounding roads suffered from severe congestion with the area coming to a standstill especially on Fridays and he understood residents’ fears. One parking space per property may be acceptable under the London Plan guidelines, but the Unitary Development Policy would have required 54 spaces as a minimum. He would therefore like an assurance from Highways officers that an enforceable solution be sought.


6.  Mr Dennis Stacey confirmed that Conservation Advisory Group were supportive of this proposal and felt this was a last chance for Truro House and should be taken, but would like to see a better entrance to Davis House.


7.  Councillor Simon’s request for an additional condition to secure management arrangements for the parkland and communal terraces.


8.  Officers’ advice in response to Councillor Simon’s suggestions to minimise traffic impact on surrounding roads.


9.  Discussion by members about parking and Councillor McGowan’s request that their concerns be passed to the appropriate department about the current wider traffic problems in the area and their effects on residents’ lives.


10.  Officers’ response to Councillor Fallart’s suggestions regarding increasing parking spaces to 33 and car park surface options, and agreement to amend Condition 1 to emphasize the importance of permeable surfaces.


AGREED that subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement regarding the restoration of Truro House and future management of the building its curtilage and a financial contribution towards highway works, the Assistant Director (Planning and Environmental Protection) be authorised to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions set out in the report, and additional and amended condition below, for the reasons set out in the report.


Arising from Discussion – Additional Conditions


           Prior to the occupation of the development hereby approved a management plan including long term design objectives, management responsibilities and maintenance schedules for all landscaped areas shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. The approved management plan shall be adhered to at all times.



(i)  to safeguard the setting and appearance of the special historic and architectural interest of the listed building;

(ii)  to safeguard the appearance of the site and its setting having regard to the character and appearance of the surrounding area and the adjoining New River corridor;

(iii)  to safeguard and enhance the ecological value of the site including the retained trees in line with objectives in PPS9.


           Prior to any development commencing, due to the unacceptability of the current proposals, revised details of the main entrance to “Davis House” shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. The entrance detail to be implemented as approved.


Reason:  in the interests of securing an appropriate design and appearance for the enabling development within the curtilage of the listed building to safeguard the special architectural and historic interest of Truro House.


           Prior to any development commencing, details of a possible six additional spaces to be provided to serve the development hereby approved shall be submitted and approved by the local planning authority. The additional spaces shall be located and surfaced with appropriate porous materials to minimise the impact on the setting and character of the listed building and its associated curtilage. The agreed details shall be implemented as approved and thereafter retained in such form.



(i)  in order to increase on site parking and minimise the impact on the free flow and safety of vehicles and pedestrians using the adjoining highways;

(ii)  to ensure the materials used in providing these additional parking spaces do not prejudice the setting and appearance of the special historic and architectural interest of the listed building.


            Amendment to Condition 1 – Detail of Hard Surfacing


The development shall not commence until details of the surfacing materials to be used within the development including footpaths, access roads and parking areas and road markings have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The proposed materials shall maximise the opportunity for the use of permeable material. The agreed surfacing shall be carried out in accordance with the approved detail before the development is occupied or use commences.



(i)  in the interests of promoting the principle of sustainable drainage;

(ii)  to ensure that the development does not prejudice highway safety and a satisfactory appearance.