Agenda item

TP/07/1029 - 4, PRINCES ROAD, LONDON, N18 3PR




1.         Attention was drawn to the “Note for Members”, reviewing the case and setting out conditions which could be applied if planning permission was granted.


2.         Amendments and corrections to the existing conditions.


3.         An additional condition on Details of Extract Ventilation (C20).


4.         Additional conditions requested by Environmental Health in relation to noise control and details of the air conditioning plant, appropriate to safeguard neighbours' interests.


5.         The Chairman's reminder that Members had a long discussion when the application was originally presented to Committee on 24 June 2009.


6.         The Planning Officer's confirmation that the report should refer to parking areas in the plural as an area had been secured for additional car parking.


7.         Members' comments including satisfaction that surrounding industries would not be compromised, that an industrial unit would remain on the ground floor and that there would be employment generated by the proposal.


8.         Councillor Simon's request for an additional condition to cover the maximum number of people permitted on the premises at any one time.


9.         The advice of the Head of Development Services in respect of robust reasons for granting planning permission.


10.       The Committee voted unanimously not to support the officers' recommendation that planning permission be refused.


AGREED that planning permission be granted subject to conditions set out in “Note for Members”, and the additional conditions below, for the reasons set out below.


Additional conditions:

(i)  Before the use commences the premise shall be acoustically insulated in accordance with a scheme agreed with the local planning authority, to provide a 0 dB increase in the background sound level at the boundary of the nearest residential property when any function is taking place.


Reason:  in order to safeguard the amenities of neighbouring residential properties.


(ii)  Prior to any use the premise shall be fitted with suitable air conditioning plant to negate the need to open windows and doors during any activity to ensure the background noise level increase is 0 dB at the boundary of the nearest residential property when any function is taking place.


Reason:  in order to safeguard the amenities of neighbouring residential properties.


(iii)  No more than 250 visitors and 25 staff shall be in attendance at the first floor premises at any one time.


Reason:  in order to ensure the level of activity remains appropriate having regard to on street parking and policy on industrial land and the need to safeguard the free flow and safety of traffic accessing the industrial estate.


Reasons for Decision:


1.  Due to the retention of the ground floor in commercial use, the proposal would not harm the availability of industrial premises having regard to the objectives of Policy (II)E2 of the Unitary Development Plan and policies 3B.1, 3B.4 and 3B.11 of the London Plan.


2.  Due to the parking arrangements proposed by the applicant including the provision of the two parking areas, the proposal would not harm conditions relating to the free flow and safety of traffic on the adjoining highway having regard to Policies (II)GD6 and (II)GD8 of the Unitary Development Plan.


3.  Due to the conditions imposed, the use would not give rise to conditions prejudicial to the amenities of neighbouring and nearby residential properties having regard to Policies (I)GD1 and (I)GD2 of the Unitary Development Plan.