Agenda item


RECOMMENDATION:  Approval Subject to S106 Completion

WARD:  Turkey Street




1. Confirmation that a Planning Panel was held in relation to the application in April 2010, the notes of which were included in the agenda pack, and the applicant had made revisions to the scheme further to comments received.


2. A site visit had been made by Planning Committee members on 03 July 2010.


3. Only the Members who were in attendance at the meeting of Planning Committee on 24 June when the application was originally presented and a deputation and response received, were eligible to consider and vote on this application.


4. Confirmation that the applicant had agreed, if planning permission was granted, to provide a contribution towards traffic calming measures.


5. The deputation of Councillor Don McGowan, Turkey Street Ward Councillor, including the following points:


i. The principal of residential housing was not opposed, but the proposals would be over intensification of the site.

ii. There would be too high a density in the development and space would have to be shared by pedestrians and cars.

iii. There would not be enough amenity space and it was unlikely that children would leave the site to play elsewhere.

iv. Parking restrictions on Gilbert Street would take away available parking already used by residents.

v. Cars would end up being parked in local roads which could lead to more use of front gardens for car parking.


6. The response of Mr Mark Connell, the agent, including the following points:

i. The site had been vacant since 2001 and was a haven for crime and nuisance activities.

ii. He represented Origin Housing Association, who if planning permission was granted would have a long lasting stake in the area.

iii. The scheme would deliver much needed affordable housing and was an opportunity to regenerate this site.

iv. All relevant standards were met, density levels complied with the London Plan, sustainability ratings were high, and an S106 contribution had been v. agreed.

v. He had met with local residents and had tried to fulfil requests, reducing the total number of units and increasing parking provision.


7. In response to Members’ queries, the Head of Development Management clarified the access road arrangements, possible traffic movements, London Plan density guidelines and parking standards.


8. In response to Members’ concerns with regard to the mix of accommodation, officers’ advice that the mix of social rented, intermediate shared ownership and private accommodation was considered acceptable in the context of London Plan policy and emerging policy in the Core Strategy reflecting the need to provide a significant proportion of family sized accommodation.


9. Discussion of Members’ remaining concerns regarding garden grabbing and the inadequacy of amenity space.


10. Advice of the Head of Development Management to clarify the recent Government amendment to PPS3.


11. Councillors Terry Neville and Toby Simon took no part in the vote.


AGREED that subject to the completion of a S106 Agreement requiring a contribution to education provision, the undertaking of an audit of pedestrian routes to the vicinity of the site and the funding of any necessary works identified, a contribution to off-site play space and the provision of affordable housing, planning permission be granted subject to conditions highlighted in the report, for the reasons set out in the report.  

Supporting documents: