Agenda item


A report from the Co-Directors of Education, Children’s Services and Leisure is attached. This summarises the existing primary capital strategy and sets out the most recent pupil projections together with the implications of these projections from 2010/11 to 2019/20. (Key decision – reference number 3173)

(Report No.95)

(8.10 – 8.20pm)


Councillor Ayfer Orhan (Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services) introduced the report of the Co-Directors of Education, Children’s Services and Leisure (No.95) summarising the existing primary capital strategy and setting out the most recent pupil projections together with the implications of these projections from 2011/12 to 2019/20.




1.         that a revised strategy was being proposed for providing additional places through measures that aim to minimise cost whilst providing places in the areas of highest demand and therefore reducing pupil mobility across the Borough;


2.         that Members’ attention was drawn to the recommendations in the report, as set out in the decisions below;


3.         with regard to the proposed expansion of Merryhills Primary School, in response to concerns regarding increased traffic in the area, a Sustainable Transport Strategy would be developed with all nearby schools in order to fully engage parents and improve the traffic conditions in the wider area, paragraph 4.5 of the report referred;


4.         that following the publication of a Statutory Notice to enlarge Merryhills School the process of formal public consultation would begin;


5.         that officers would continue to explore alternative options to secure additional primary school places, including maximising any opportunities that might attract Government capital funding. The Council would seek to maximise flexibility to ensure that adequate pupil places were provided. Councillor Orhan highlighted the negative impact of the Government’s decision with regard to the future of the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme and the loss of significant funding to the Authority;


6.         Neil Rousell, Co-Director of Education and Children’s Services, outlined for Members the concept of partner schools as detailed in section 4 of the report. Members noted the display of example modular buildings at the meeting and the high quality of the proposed constructions. The concept would build on existing good practice already developed in the Borough through federation and other support networks. The timescales and potential costs for the development of the partner schools were outlined for Members, as set out in the report. Costs were being reduced whilst ensuring that quality was maintained;


7.         in response to a question from Councillor Anwar, in was noted that the feedback received from Headteachers to the concept of partner schools had been positive and supportive. This strategy would reduce the need for bulge classes;


8.         that Councillor Orhan had visited a number of Schools and met with School Governors, feedback received had been supportive.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED that Officers had been exploring all possible options to increase the provision of places to meet the short term surge in demand and anticipated long term needs, using desk top studies, site visits and feasibility studies. Efforts had been directed towards schools in areas of the Borough where demand for additional places was highest and where there were suitable sites. Section 5 of the report set out the full details of the alternative options which had been considered.


DECISION: The Cabinet


In relation to the current strategy for providing additional primary schools places (as agreed by Cabinet in November 2009):


1.         noted the progress being made to implement schemes as planned;


2.         agreed to approve the publication of a Statutory Notice in order to embark on a formal consultation in relation to the proposed permanent expansion of Merryhills Primary School to 3FE on the basis that a more comprehensive and detailed traffic and transport study in the wider area be undertaken;


3.         agreed not to proceed with the expansion of Worcesters Primary School at this time.


In relation to the 10 year period to 2019 for additional primary school places


4.         noted that a further increase in projected demand required a more flexible approach to the provision of pupil places in order to address rising levels of demand and keep costs to a minimum;


5.         agreed that feasibility studies and initial discussions be undertaken to explore the provision of temporary, modular accommodation at various sites, under the leadership and management of existing schools;


6.         noted that a capital project submission was being considered within the Council’s budget process for 2011/12 and that no capital commitments would be entered into until there was certainty that sufficient funding was available (with the exception of carrying out feasibility studies);


7.         noted that officers would continue to explore alternative options to secure additional primary school places, including maximising any opportunities that might attract Government capital funding;


8.         agreed to formally adopt the 10 Year Strategy as outlined in the report, providing structured temporary places through the provision of four “partner schools” for September 11/12 and one “partner schools” for September 12/13 in order to meet the increasing demand that peaks in that year and was forecast to reduce in subsequent years.


Reason: The local authority had an overriding statutory duty to provide sufficient pupil places to meet anticipated demand as near as possible to the areas of this demand. This duty could not be discharged with the current capacity of the Borough’s primary schools. The proposals outlined in the report had the potential to provide the places needed within the required timescale and this strategy allowed the Authority to control the provision of temporary places in order to increase and decrease accommodation as necessary during this period of uncertainty.

(Key decision – reference number 3173)

Supporting documents: