Agenda item


RECOMMENDATION: Approval subject to conditions.

WARD: Lower Edmonton




1.   The meeting was subject to a brief adjournment before consideration of this application.


2.   The introduction by the Planning Decisions Manager clarifying the proposals.


3.   Receipt of one further letter of objection raising concerns including increased traffic from parents causing obstruction, pollution and noise, and increased litter caused by children and parents.


4.   The deputation of Ros Bacal, including the following points:

a.  She was speaking on behalf of other residents of Woodlands Road as well as herself.

b.  In 2003 assurance had been given that pedestrian access would never be approved. Condition 18 was put in place to safeguard residential amenities of properties along Woodlands Road.

c.  Residents feared parking restrictions, and pollution, and parents parking with little regard for residents.

d.  She would be directly affected if carers or dial-a-ride transport were unable to park outside her home.

e.  Pollution from engines ticking over would adversely affect her health.

f.  There would be increased traffic with parents using this road.

g.  Concerns about the affect on the housing market in the road.

h.  She would like to view access requirements in full before the decision and to know about proposed zigzag markings and to have it noted that her disabled parking bay was not fully marked out.


5.   The response of Julie Messer, Executive Headteacher, Eldon Infant School, on behalf of the governing body, including the following points:

a.  In response to local authority requests in respect of the need for primary pupil places, the school agreed to expand to a yearly intake of 150 pupils and to double the nursery intake to 120 pupils.

b.  Access to the early years school building was through the main playground, and during the lunchtime swap-over infant pupils would also be in the playground with the potential they may run through as the gate was opened. The problem would be exacerbated by the increased number of nursery pupils. The solution would be access via Woodlands Road through a clearly defined entrance for early years classes.

c.  The school would have a much safer operating system. As well as improving safeguarding, this would also spread the footfall.

d.  Staff were deployed to all entrances to assist safe passage and the Woodlands Road entrance would be included in this system.



      AGREED that the rules of procedure within the Council’s Constitution relating to the time meetings should end (10:00pm) be suspended for a period of 60 minutes to enable the business on the agenda to be completed.


7.   Members’ debate and questions responded to by officers, including:

a.  Amendment to the recommendation to respond to issues raised by the depute and the requirement for an impact assessment and appropriate mitigation with a final decision delegated to officers, in liaison with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Opposition Lead Member if necessary.

b.  Clarification of policies relating to disabled bays, and to zigzag markings, and the Traffic & Transportation officer’s assurance there would be minimal impact to the deputee’s disabled bay.

c.  Discussion that approval for a two year temporary period would be appropriate, to enable the impact to be assessed.


8.   The support of the Committee for the officers’ amended recommendation, with one abstention.


AGREED that Members resolved, following the undertaking of an Equalities Impact Assessment to assess the implications of imposition of parking restrictions to the site entrance required in connection with the opening up of the access for general pedestrian use, to grant officers delegated authority to grant planning permission for a temporary period of 2 years.

Supporting documents: