Agenda item



Locking of park gates

Councillor Anderson explained that a recent Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting that was convened to discuss concerns over the decision to leave the parks unlocked the Cabinet Member for Environment & Community Safety (Councillor Chris Bond) agreed to delay the implementation of his decision until April 2015. In the intervening period he offered to meet with friends of parks groups to discuss the situation. However, it is important to note that the decision itself is non-negotiable, only the process is open for discussion.


Residents expressed reservations, alleging that Broomfield has a significant existing crime problem and the friend’s may not be in a position to take responsibility for locking the gates. What about dangers to wildlife and vandalism? Or what of the possibility of travellers entering the parks? Councillor Stewart suggested that there was nothing to stop travellers entering the parks during the day when the parks are open. Another resident offered a contrarian view, by suggesting that closing the parks at night might actually act as an incentive to break in and by leaving them open the problems may subside.


Councillor Anderson reiterated that anyone concerned about the plan should take up Councillor Chris Bond’s offer to meet.


Ultra Low Emission Zones

A paper was distributed that summarised the Mayor for London’s plan to introduce an Ultra-Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ) to tackle London’s air pollution crisis, which is amongst the worst cities in Europe. If introduced, vehicles entering the zone to comply with strict emission standards. The UK Supreme Court noted compliance with EU standards will only be achieved by 2025 in London, 15 years after the original deadline. TfL’s modelling work suggests that the proposed ULEZ will reduce NOx levels in Enfield by 9% in 2020 compared to the situation without ULEZ. However, the benefit of ULEZ reduces in 2025 as more vehicles will be compliant with the relevant emissions standards in any event. Consultation on ULEZ proposals is currently taking place and lasts until 9th January 2015. Subject to the outcome of the consultation, TfL is hoping to have a scheme in place by 2015, giving users five years notice before 2020.



Councillor Anderson mentioned that he was seeking to identify and eradicate fly-tipping hotspots in the ward by working in collaboration with the Assistant Director for the Public Realm, Head of Regulatory Services and Head of Operational Waste, all of whom he had done a ward walk with recently. Areas identified are Palmers Road junction with Bowes Road; Alleyway behind shops in Bowes Road; Alleyway behind Haslem Court; Milton Grove, Hayden Lane, The Mall area opposite the Cherry Tree.


Residents added the area around the Notting Hill Housing Trust developments also needs attention.


Transport for London Updates

Councillor Anderson met up with a representative from TfL to discuss the access issues affecting Milton Grove along the A406 Telford Road and the safety measures installed. TfL are satisfied that since the measures have been in place, which have restricted the A406 to two lanes, there have been no recorded accidents. The measures have been observed and traffic appears to observe the ‘Keep Clear’ signage, which has now been extended across both the entrance and exit lanes of Milton Grove. It is intended to improve the look of the safety measures by turning them into grass verges. Works to that effect will begin with some consultation in the New Year and it is hoped that they will be completed by the spring. Attention will also be paid to ensure that drainage is not impeded by any such improvements. Concerns about surface water when it rains have also been raised and are being looked into.



With regards to the Footbridge at Wilmer Way, of which the stairs have been closed since March, a response to a question to the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, by GLA Representative, Joanne McCartney, was distributed. The Mayor explained that a solution is currently being sought and it is hoped to lift the restriction by April 2015.


The meeting ended at 9pm.