11 Enfield 2020 Sustainability Programme and Action Plan PDF 285 KB
A report from the Director of Environment is attached. This seeks approval of the Enfield 2020 Sustainability Programme and Action Plan. (Key decision – reference number 3562)
(Report No.142)
(8.50 – 8.55 pm)
Note: Reference copies of the Enfield 2020 Sustainability Programme and Action Plan are available in the Members’ Library and Group Offices. A copy is also available on the Council’s website.
Additional documents:
Councillor Chris Bond (Cabinet Member for Environment) introduced the report of the Director of Environment (No.142) seeking approval, for recommendation to full Council, of the Enfield 2020 Sustainability Programme and Action Plan.
NOTED the extensive consultation which had taken place to date, as set out in the report. The feedback had been positive, with broad support. Enfield 2020 is an ambitious sustainability programme, which is forecast to deliver significant benefits for all of Enfield’s stakeholders. It has a strong fit with all three of the Council’s aims. Members’ attention was drawn to the themes set out in the 2020 Vision as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report. The Action Plan contains 50 strategic sustainability projects, which provide clear evidence of the Council leading by example. Members welcomed the report.
Alternative Options Considered: Doing nothing would lose the opportunities to significantly improve the sustainability of the Borough of Enfield and Enfield Council by 2020, and to deliver significant economic, environmental and social benefits for all of Enfield’s stakeholders.
RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL to approve the final designed version of the Enfield 2020 Sustainability Programme and Action Plan.
Reasons for recommendations: Enfield 2020 provides a Sustainability Strategy through to 2020 and an Action Plan which already contains 50 strategic sustainability projects. Programme management support is provided by the Sustainability Service, which is on track to more than cover its costs from March 2015. Enfield 2020 had the opportunity to significantly improve the sustainability of the Borough of Enfield and Enfield Council by 2020 delivering significant economic, environmental and social benefits for all of Enfield’s stakeholders.
(Key decision – reference number 3562)