6 Budget 2013/14 and Medium Term Financial Plan (General Fund) PDF 778 KB
A report from the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services is attached. This seeks approval, for recommendation to full Council, of the Budget 2013/14 and Medium Term Financial Plan (General Fund). (Report No.158, agenda part two also refers). (Key decision – reference number 3620)
(Report No.151)
(8.20 – 8.35 pm)
Additional documents:
Councillor Andrew Stafford (Cabinet Member for Finance and Property) introduced the report of the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services (No.151) presenting the Budget 2013/14 and Medium Term Financial Plan (General Fund) for recommendation to full Council.
1. that Report No.158 also referred, as detailed in Minute No.21 below;
2. the level of savings which the Council had achieved over 3 years, totalling £60m. The Council had made the savings with a nil increase in the level of Council Tax and, at a time of reduced Government subsidy and the current economic climate;
3. that the Council was on course to meet the budget target for 2014/15;
4. the results of the budget consultation as detailed in the report and outlined in the “to follow” paper which had been circulated to all Members detailing the feedback from the Scrutiny Panels and Area Forums;
5. the detail contained within section 10.5 of the report and the outcome of recent work undertaken by the Local Government Association and supported by further London specific analysis by London Councils on potential future funding pressures. The objective was to make the Government aware that the reduction in council funding at current levels was unsustainable without cutting services;
6. that Members’ attention was drawn to section 10.8 of the report with regard to the combined effects of the Government’s policy reforms on councils’ finances;
7. that the Council was committed to supporting the development of the Local Plans setting out action plans for areas in the borough following the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework. Funding provision was in place for the first phases of the plan and funding would be incorporated into the Medium Term Financial Plan as required. The Council was on course to ensure that planning applications and policies were in place;
8. section 5.6 of the report with regard to Public Health. Local authorities would, from April 2013, take over responsibility from the NHS, for improving the health and well-being of their local population and reducing health inequalities. Councillor Hamilton highlighted a number of financial concerns as set out in the report;
9. that the report would be debated fully at the Council meeting on 27 February 2013.
Alternative Options Considered: The Council had an extensive budget planning and consultation process during which a wide range of options were considered in detail before recommendations were made. Issues raised and discussed had greatly contributed to the report including information from the Budget Consultation set out elsewhere in the report.
1. the attention of Members is drawn to the comments in paragraph 2.12 of the report regarding S106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 which requires any Member who is two months or more in arrears on their Council Tax to declare their position and not to vote on any issue that could affect the calculation of the budget or Council Tax.
2. with regard to the revenue budget for 2-13/14 it is recommended that Council ... view the full minutes text for item 6