A report from the Director – Environment is attached. This proposes amendments to the technical standards for footway crossover applications and seeks approval for adopting a policy for the management of illegal activity. (Key decision – reference number 3664)
(Report No.203)
(8.25 – 8.30 pm)
Additional documents:
Councillor Chris Bond (Cabinet Member for Environment) introduced the report of the Director – Environment (No.203) proposing amendments to the current policy and to the management of illegal activity.
NOTED the proposed amendments to the technical standards and, the proposed pro-active policy approach to tackle illegal activity as detailed in the report.
Alternative Options Considered: Other London Boroughs had been consulted and all had varying versions of technical requirements based on the Highways Act. Several boroughs install bollards to prevent illegal crossings but none positively enforce against vehicles that overhang the public highway.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed
1. the proposed amendments to the technical standards for footway crossovers;
2. the proposed policy for the management of vehicles crossing footways and verges without a properly constructed footway crossover;
3. the proposed policy for enforcement action where residents allow their vehicles to project from their forecourts and overhang the public footway.
RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL to agree that the appointed day for implementation of the adopted section 16 of the London Local Authorities and Transport for London Act 2003 be 1 November 2013 (paragraph 3.4.5 of the report refers).
Reason: The adoption of updated technical standards based on officers’ experiential learning would clarify and improve the existing arrangements for managing footway crossovers. The adoption of a formal policy for the enforcement of illegal activity would provide a balanced approach between crossover applications and cases of non-compliance. Specialist advice from Counsel had been taken into account in the development of the proposed policy.
(Key decision – reference number 3664)