9 Refurbishment of Palmers Green Library PDF 198 KB
A report from the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services and Director of Regeneration, Leisure and Culture is attached. This seeks approval to refurbish the Palmers Green Library. (Key decision – reference number 3791)
Note: A colour copy of the plans appended to the report will be circulated to Cabinet Members under separate cover.
(Report No.96)
(8.35 – 8.40 pm)
Additional documents:
Councillor Bambos Charalambous (Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure, Youth and Localism) introduced the report of the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services and Director of Regeneration, Leisure and Culture (No.96) seeking approval of the capital investment within the Capital Programme required to the refurbishment of the existing Palmers Green Library.
1. The estimated project costs as set out in section 6 of the report. The addition of the scheme to the Capital Programme 2014-2015 budget would require Council approval as set out in the recommendation below.
2. The project timetable as detailed in section 8 of the report.
3. That consultation had and would continue to be undertaken by the Library and Museum Service, section 9 of the report referred. It was noted that the Library would need to close for the duration of the refurbishment works. The cost of providing additional temporary provision was too high. Users would be given access to other library facilities, including the mobile library which would be sited nearby at advertised times, as detailed in section 9 of the report.
4. That a number of options for the extent of the refurbishment works to the Library had been considered fully and, Option 4 was the recommended option, as set out in the report, which was the most extensive and best possible option for the future library provision.
Alternative Options Considered: NOTED the alternative options which had been considered as detailed in section 10 of the report. A range of options for the nature and extent of the works had been considered.
RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL the addition of this scheme to the Capital Programme 2014-2015 budget.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to
1. Approve the overall financial proposals for expenditure and funding as set out in the report, including all Professional, Technical and associated costs (as detailed in paragraph 6 of the report).
2. Delegate authority to the Cabinet Member for Finance and Property and the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services to accept a subsequent tender for construction works.
Reason: The reasons for the recommendations were set out in section 11 of the report.
(Key decision – reference number 3791)