13 CCTV Staffing Award of Contract PDF 150 KB
A report from the Director of Regeneration and Environment is attached. This seeks approval to award the new contract from July 2014. (Report No.239, agenda part two also refers) (Key decision – reference number 3795)
(Report No.236)
(9.00 – 9.05pm)
Councillor Christine Hamilton (Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing and Public Health) introduced the report of the Director of Regeneration and Environment (No.236) seeking approval to award the new CCTV staffing contract from July 2014.
1. That Report No.239 also referred as detailed in Minute No.25 below;
2. The value of having an excellent CCTV service. The new contract had been designed with sufficient capacity for growth. This would allow the Enfield Public Safety Centre to offer various other public safety, telecare or alarm and response security services both to the authority and to future external clients for income generation.
3. The positive impact on the Council’s priority of Strong Communities as set out in section 8.3 of the report.
Alternative Options Considered: The current CCTV monitoring staffing contract was due to expire on 1 April 2014 (this had been extended by three months via a waiver until the end of June 2014) and procurement and government regulations required the contract to be re-tendered. An option to consider bringing the service in-house had been rejected on the grounds it would not be economically viable and against the Leaner principles of the council.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to
1. Approve the award of the contract to “Contractor A” who was the successful tenderer, as detailed in Report No.239 (Minute No.25 below referred).
2. Approve the commencement of the contract from July 2014 for a period of five years with an option to extend by a further period of up to two years.
3. Approve Contractor A’s tendered price detailed in Report No.239 (Minute No.25 below referred).
4. Note that the contract had been designed with sufficient capacity for growth. This would allow the Enfield Public Safety Centre to offer various other public safety, telecare or alarm and response security services both to the authority and to future external clients for income generation.
Reason: This contract had been evaluated and considered to cover all the requirements of the various services the Enfield Public Safety Centre delivers. The contract had further been expanded in scope to allow future provision of other aspects of security and public safety work and had capacity for growth without the need for additional changes. The successful bidder returned a compliant bid and scored highly on the quality assessment process.
(Key decision – reference number 3795)