11 Proposed Submission North East Enfield Area Action Plan PDF 232 KB
A report from the Director of Regeneration, Leisure and Culture is attached. This seeks approval of the Proposed Submission North East Enfield Area Action Plan and supporting documents. (Key decision – reference number 3866)
(Report No.208)
(8.45 – 8.50 pm)
Additional documents:
Neil Rousell (Director of Regeneration, Leisure and Culture) introduced his report (No.208) seeking approval of the Proposed Submission North East Enfield Area Action Plan (NEEAAP) and supporting documents.
1. That the report had been approved by the Local Plan Cabinet Sub-Committee at its meeting on 27 February 2014. Minor amendments had been suggested which were now being worked through;
2. That once adopted, the NEEAAP would form part of Enfield’s Local Plan.
3. The main elements of the NEEAAP as set out in the report.
4. That it was proposed that the statutory public consultation period would commence in late May 2014 for a period of 6 weeks. In response to questions raised, Neil Rousell outlined the proposed consultation and engagement processes and noted the work which had already taken place.
5. Due to the size of the documents referred to, reference copies of the full documents had been placed in the Members’ Library and Group Offices and were available on the Council’s website.
Alternative Options Considered: None as the absence of a plan would leave a gap in the policy framework which would make it more difficult to co-ordinate regeneration efforts and restrain inappropriate development. Section 5 of the report referred.
1. The approval of the Proposed Submission Draft North East Enfield Area Action Plan and supporting documents for a statutory 6 week period of public consultation and submission to the Secretary of State for public examination.
2. That the Director of Regeneration, Leisure and Culture and any other authorised Director, having consulted with the Cabinet Member for Business and Regeneration, be authorised to approve as an operational decision under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation appropriate changes to the Submission version of the North East Enfield Area Action Plan and undertake any further consultation required, in the run up to and during the public examination process into the document, in response to representations received, requests from the Planning Inspector and any emerging evidence, guidance or legal advice. This would be subject to changes of a substantive nature being considered by the Local Plan Cabinet Sub-Committee.
Reason: To provide a basis for setting the area specific planning policies by which decisions on development could be guided. Section 5 of the report referred.
(Key decision – reference number 3866)