8 The Electric Quarter - Towards Delivery PDF 266 KB
A report from the Director of Regeneration and Environment is attached. This considers the Ponders End High Street regeneration scheme, known as the Electric Quarter.(Key decision – reference number 3922)
(Report No.6)
Additional documents:
Councillor Ahmet Oykener (Cabinet Member for Housing and Estate Regeneration) introduced the report of the Director of Regeneration and Environment (No.6) taking forward the Ponders End High Street Regeneration Scheme, known as the Electric Quarter.
1. That this represented an ambitious regeneration programme. Ponders End was identified in the Core Strategy as a key regeneration area in North East Enfield and as a strategic location in the Upper Lee Valley Opportunity Area.
2. That this report took forward the Ponders End High Street Regeneration Scheme, known as the Electric Quarter, as set out in previous Cabinet reports, paragraph 1.2 of the report referred.
3. Since April 2013 work had focussed on securing land and property interests required for the Electric Quarter and it was now possible to report a revised development boundary and proposed Planning Compulsory Purchase Order land to Cabinet for approval, as set out in the report.
4. The revised development site boundary and Order Land were noted, as set out in Annexes A and B to the report. Councillor Taylor noted that a larger footprint would have been preferable but had not been possible.
Alternative Options Considered: NOTED the following options considered:
1. Do Nothing – this would not deliver the Council’s planning objectives as detailed in the Core Strategy.
2. Restrict regeneration activity to Council owned land only – this would result in piecemeal development which would not deliver a comprehensive regeneration scheme, tying the former Middlesex University Site into the High Street to create a dynamic urban quarter that can contribute to the economic sustainability of the High Street.
3. Acquire all and property interests on a voluntary basis – negotiations to acquire land and property interests have been pursued and will continue to be pursued alongside any compulsory purchase process.
1. Approved the revised development site boundary detailed in Annex A to the report.
2. Approved the revised Order Land for the Electric Quarter detailed in Annex B to the report.
3. Agreed that the proposed Planning Compulsory Purchase Order be renamed: “London Borough of Enfield (Ponders End Electric Quarter) Compulsory Purchase Order 2014”.
Reason: To finalise the preparatory work before Cabinet was asked to make the revised Order. The recommendation to Cabinet to make the Order would be put forward in a follow up report (section 5 of the report referred).
(Key decision – reference number 3922)