7 Enfield Joint Adult Mental Health Strategy PDF 513 KB
A report from the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care is attached. This seeks approval of the strategic direction, priorities and objectives for adult mental health care in Enfield, as detailed in the Enfield Joint Adult Mental Health Strategy. (Key decision – reference number 3938)
(Report No.113)
(8.25 – 8.30 pm)
Additional documents:
Councillor Don McGowan (Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care) introduced the report of the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care (No.113) presenting the Enfield Joint Adult Mental Health Strategy.
1. That improving the mental health and wellbeing of adults living in Enfield had been prioritised by Enfield Council and NHS Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), as set out in the report. The priorities set out in the Enfield Joint Adult Mental Health Strategy 2014-2019 were highlighted.
2. That on average one in four people would be affected by mental health issues.
3. That the Strategy would bring together the services of the Council and the CCG and would provide greater opportunities for the development of effective joined up services.
4. Councillor Orhan complemented Councillor McGowan and the officers involved for the presentation of an excellent report and strategy. Support was expressed for the strategy and the focus on early intervention measures.
Alternative Options Considered: NOTED that the Strategy sets out how (a) care pathways would be reshaped and (b) services and support would be improved for Mental Health Service Users and Carers in the future. It also supported the Council and NHS Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group to work in partnership. It proposed an approach to commissioning and developing services for mental health service users and carers that were consistent with current legislation and guidance, and was in line with existing Council and NHS Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group strategies.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to
1. Approve the strategic direction, priorities and objectives for adult mental health care in Enfield, as detailed in the Joint Enfield Mental Health Strategy provided at appendix 1 of the report.
2. Note that the Strategy was also being considered by the Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group Executive Team prior to submission by the Governing Body in October 2014.
Reason: The Strategy was intended to meet the government’s key objectives for the delivery of mental health services and to improve mental health service locally. A Joint Strategy between the Clinical Commissioning Group recognised the inter-dependency of health and social care and the impact of wider determinants of good mental health.
(Key decision – reference number 3938)