8 Property Services - Strategic Asset Management Plan PDF 297 KB
A report from the Executive Director – Place is attached. (Key decision – reference number 4806)
(Note: Appendix 2 to this report contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person – including the authority holding that information) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended and is provided separately with the part 2 agenda).
(Report No.9)
(8.00 – 8.10 pm)
Additional documents:
Councillor Mary Maguire (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Place (No.9) outlining the Property Services – Strategic Asset Management Plan.
1. That the Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) was a significant document that covered all Council-owned property, except for Housing Revenue Account (HRA) residential housing stock. The previous SAMP had been produced in 2009.
2. As detailed in the report, all Council-owned property assets must be fit for purpose and continue to meet the Council’s legal requirements to obtain best consideration for its property assets. There was an opportunity for the Council to increase income, reduce expenditure and optimise its property assets to continue to deliver quality services and meet the Council’s corporate objectives.
3. That the new SAMP would set a clear direction for the next 5+ years to ensure that Enfield could make informed decisions about its property assets in an appropriate context.
4. The value of the Council’s property estate as set out in section 3.1.7 of the report. The priorities going forward were noted as outlined in the report. A holistic approach would be taken. The Core Principles of the Plan were highlighted as set out in detail in section 3.2 of the report.
5. The historic lack of investment in maintenance of the property portfolio which had led to a general dilapidation of property stock, having a direct impact on levels of income achievable, and compliance liabilities for the Council. Ensuring value for money in the management of assets was a fundamental part of the approach.
6. That a copy of the full Strategic Asset Management Plan had been provided in part two due to the commercially sensitive information included, Minute No.14 below referred.
7. In response to questions raised, it was noted that consideration would be given to the social and community benefits of property assets as well as the financial considerations. The SAMP would link in with the Council’s other strategic plans and priorities.
8. That Officers were commended for compiling the SAMP which was a significant document. It was noted that this would be developed alongside other Council plans currently in development including the Local Plan; Housing Growth Strategy and Economic and Growth Strategy. Several key strategic documents were being established. It was important to effectively utilise the Council’s assets and link in with the Council’s corporate priorities and service delivery requirements. The value of property assets was not purely financial and could be used for to effectively support service delivery by the Council and its partners.
9. The core principles of the SAMP were reiterated. Where possible the Council would seek to increase sustainable income from its property assets but it was recognised that this would not be possible in all cases.
10. Officers present outlined in detail the considerations that would be undertaken including financial, community and economic issues. It was important to ensure that the Council’s property assets were being used effectively. All possible options would be considered in line ... view the full minutes text for item 8