A report from the Executive Director – Place is attached. (Key decision – reference number 4821)
(Report No.168)
(8.15 – 8.20 pm)
Councillor Guney Dogan (Cabinet Member for Environment) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Place (No.168) setting out the business case and seeking approval for capital funding of £6.45 million for the 2019/20 programme for Highways and Street Scene.
1. That the programme included maintenance activities for roads, pavements, bridges and other associated highway assets, public realm improvements, flood management and alley-gating. The budget also included £0.25m to contribute to the Albany Park River Restoration Scheme.
2. Members welcomed the programme of works as set out in the report, whilst recognising the financial challenges being faced. In response to questions raised regarding the use of sustainable materials for road surfacing and repairs, Members were advised of the trials which were taking place and, the developments which were continuing. The use of sustainable materials and techniques continued to be explored and developed. Members noted the specific trials which had taken place within Enfield and the positive reactions which had been received.
3. In discussion, questions were raised in addressing equalities issues through such works where possible; for example, incorporating dropped kerbs in pavements and, the use of sensors on pavements where appropriate to activate specific lighting. In response Members were advised of the programme of installing dropped kerbs and an energy saving example within the Borough of pavement lighting sensors.
Alternative Options Considered: It was recognised that that level of funding required far exceeded the level of funding available taking into account the many other pressures and priorities for the Council. Alternative levels of funding would allow programmes to be progressed at different rates with corresponding implications on the maintenance backlog. Like all highway authorities, Enfield therefore deploys a combination of asset management techniques to deal with this scenario, including reactive and programmed treatments and, in the worst case scenario, closure.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to
1. Approve the business case for a sustained level of capital funding for Highways and Street Scene as shown in the Council’s Indicative Capital Programme up to and including 2021/2022.
2. Approve, for recommendation to Council, the 2019/20 capital budget of £6.45 million for highways and street scene, and for its inclusion in the capital report to Council.
3. Delegate authority to the Cabinet Member for Environment to approve programmes and schemes within the approved allocation for 2019/20.
RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL to approve the 2019/20 capital budget of £6.45 million for highways and street scene, and for its inclusion in the capital report to Council.
Reason: Confirmation of the capital budget would allow the Council to continue with its programme of maintaining the condition of its carriageways, footways, bridges and associated assets, thereby supporting the Council’s ability to comply with legal obligations and codes of practice. A sustained level of capital funding was essential to maintain the highway network and avoid potentially more costly maintenance in future years.
(Key decision – reference number 4821)