6 Successor Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy PDF 193 KB
A report from the Executive Director – People is attached. (Key decision – reference number 4852)
(Report No.128)
(7.35 – 7.40 pm)
Additional documents:
Councillor Nesil Caliskan (Leader of the Council) and Alev Cazimoglu (Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care) introduced the report of the Executive Director - People (No.128) setting out the new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
1. Chairing of Enfield’s Health and Wellbeing Board had recently been taken over by the Leader of the Council, reflecting the Council’s corporate and political commitment, and input from every department.
2. Councillor Cazimoglu welcomed the Council Leader taking over as chair of Health and Wellbeing Board, as was increasingly the case across London.
3. The new strategy would inform the work of Health and Wellbeing Board for the next four years and was designed to be clear and simple with tangible objectives and measurable outcomes. This would deliver improved health and wellbeing for residents and tackle health inequalities.
4. Members’ attention was drawn to Equalities Impact Implications at paragraph 9 of the report and the wide variation in life expectancy within the borough and variation in the number of years lived in poor health by residents in different areas.
5. Thanks were recorded to officers for all their work on the strategy, which was well thought out and well consulted on.
6. Loneliness and social isolation had been added into the strategy. The importance of partnership working opportunities was raised, and officers thinking differently about service areas, such as provision of allotments to people to increase social interaction and exercise.
7. There would be examples collected of how the Council was meeting the priority areas. The strategy included action plans, and progress would be measured and reported back to Health and Wellbeing Board.
8. The strategy would also be submitted to the local Clinical Commissioning Group governing body for approval.
Alternative Options Considered:
An alternative option would be to continue with the approach set out in the 2014-2019 strategy. However, the Health and Wellbeing Board wanted to have a stronger, simpler narrative, which allowed them to ensure a preventative approach was achieved through an ambitious strategy which facilitates collective action. The priorities set out in the previous strategy were all outcomes the new strategy aims to achieve, but by focussing our priority actions on behaviours which the evidence shows make the biggest impact on health outcomes.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to approve and authorise the Successor Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
The new strategy would help the Council deliver its corporate plan, and health commissioners and providers to deliver on their priorities, while facilitating all members of the Health and Wellbeing Board to work collectively to tackle the borough’s health and wellbeing challenges.
(Key decision – reference number 4852)