9 Information and Data Governance Board Annual Report PDF 336 KB
The General Purposes Committee are recommended to:
1. Agree the inclusion of Covid Inquiry Information and Data Governance to be monitored through the board until concluded.
2. Approve the outcomes of this annual report.
3. To note the achievement of mandatory training compliance.
4. To note the achievement of high standard data retention schedule.
5. Approve the plan for 2023/24
6. To note the risks
The Interim Director Digital, Data and Technology introduced the report, which recognised that the governance arrangements had remained broadly the same and were working well, together with some of key changes which had introduced successfully since the last report.
Members noted and thanked officers, and in particular Martin Sanders, Head of Service Management and Governance, for the improvement in achieving over 98% compliance in completing mandatory training and introduction of Data Governance reporting into the board and the high standard data retention schedule now covering over 450 sets of data.
AGREED that:
The inclusion of Covid Inquiry Information and Data Governance to be monitored through the board until concluded be agreed;
The outcomes of the annual report be agreed;
The achievement of mandatory training compliance be noted;
The achievement of high standard data retention schedule be noted;
The plan for 2023/24 be agreed; and
The risks as set out in the report of Officers be noted.