3 Review Application - Tables and Chairs Licence PDF 4 MB
Review Application – Tables and Chairs Licence
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The Licencing Team RECEIVED the application for a new tables and chairs licence from Mr Ilir Hasani at the premises known as and situated at Eagles Hill, 49 Cannon Hill, London, N14 6LH.
1. The Introduction by Ellie Green, Principal Licensing Officer, including:
a. The premises situated at 49 Cannon Hill has been known under various different names, such as: Meze Café Bar, Siegy Mariase, The Meze Bar, Pasticcio, Le’Kara and now the Eagles Hill. The nature of the premises has always been of a café/bar/restaurant nature.
b. On 16 November 2009, Mr Feral Birdane was granted a street trading (tables and chairs) licence (to be referred to from now as the tables and chairs licence), under the London Local Authorities Act 1990. The application was advertised and consulted upon, and no objections were received.
c. A summary of the licence: • Tables and chairs permitted to be used daily between midday and 11pm; • The licensed area was 3.5 m (width) x 1.5 m (depth), permitting 5 tables and 10 chairs.
d. Tables and chairs licence LN/200900514 was renewed annually until it expired on 31/03/2014, as it was not renewed by Mr Birdane.
e. Tables and chairs licence LN/20090051 was not subject to any review or prosecution action.
f. The Eagles Hill is currently licensed under the Licensing Act 2003 and has been since the licensing conversion in 2005 from the former licensing regime. Premises licence LN/201800758 was transferred to Mr Ilir Hasani as the new premises licence holder on 7 February 2023. Mr Hasani also became the named Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) at this time.
g. Since Mr Hasani become the premises licence holder, he applied for a variation of the premises licence to permit alcohol sales (on supply) and opening to be consistent throughout the week, namely 11pm. The premises was previously closed on Mondays and closed at 10pm the remaining days - Sunday to Wednesday. Slightly reduced hours to allow drinking up time on the days to be varied, plus conditions were sought through representation by the Licensing Authority and the Police. Those were agreed by Mr Hasani.
h. A total of 7 local councillors and residents objected to the variation application but in this instance were not deemed relevant for the variation application. As a result of no outstanding valid representations, the variation application was granted on 14 March 2023.
i. A summary of Premises licence LN/201800758: • Opening hours: 06:00 to 23:00 daily; • Sale of alcohol (on supply): Sunday to Wednesday 08:00 to 22:30, Thursday to Saturday 08:00 to 23:00.
j. On the plan attached to Premises licence LN/201800758, which forms part of the authorisation under the licence, the licensed area (historically) includes the outside area to the front of the premises. Therefore, it is deemed that on supply alcohol sales are permitted in any outside area (in line with the plan), subject to the additional benefit of a tables and chairs licence.
k. Conditions of the premises licence can be found ... view the full minutes text for item 3
Review Application
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Received the application made by Enfield Council’s Licensing Authority for a review of the Premises Licence (LN/202100333) held by Mr Mazlum Demir at the premises known as and situated at Skewd Kitchen, 113-115 Cockfosters Road, Barnet, EN4 0DA.
1. The introduction by Ellie Green, Principal Licensing Officer, including:
a. The application was for a review of the premises licence for premises known as Skewd Kitchen, 113-115 Cockfosters Road, Barnet, EN4 0DA.
b. Mr Mazlum Demir is both the Premises Licence Holder (PLH) and the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS). The licence application was granted/issued by officers on the 8 November 2021 and has only been used as a licence since October 2022 as that is when the premises is thought to have opened.
c. The review hearing was submitted by the Licensing Enforcement Team on behalf of the Licensing Authority, and they seek to amend conditions of the premises licence in order to support the prevention of public nuisance licensing objective.
This is in response to a number of complaints that the PLH has been unable to control from the noise and music, namely a DJ and statutory noise nuisances have been witnessed.
d. Local residents have reported that they have been greatly affected by the loud music throughout the week since the premises opened.
e. There are various conditions which are sought by the Licensing Authority and since been offered by the PLH. But it appears that no final position has been agreed. So, the conditions that are up for discussion at this hearing are presented in Appendix F (from page 165) and it is those new conditions that are not agreed between the parties that require the LSC to make a decision on. These are detailed from Annex 3 & Appendix F (from page 165) of the bundle.
f. There are no changes being sought to the licensable hours or activities on the current licence. So, the full review application can be seen at Appendix A (Pages 19), Appendix E (Page 159) & Appendix I (Page 193) of the report.
g. The review attracted representations supporting the review application from the Council’s Commercial Noise Team and from 5 local residents who all live in Braemore Court, which are the residential flats above the commercial parade and above the commercial premises. Those representations are detailed at Appendices C, G & H from pages 95 -171 of the report including the Supplementary report.
h. The PLH did respond to the review and has submitted a written representation including a noise acoustic report detailed at Appendix D from page 113 of the report.
i. The existing premises licence does not specify any music as a licensable activity, however due to regulatory changes and later amendments to the Licensing Act 2003, live & recorded music can be provided to an audience of no more than 500 at any one time at any premises licensed for on sales of alcohol between the hours of 08:00am and 11:00pm without being required to be a licensable activity on the ... view the full minutes text for item 4
Review Application
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Due to the Chair (Councillor Esin Gunes), who was unable to attend the hearing, it was not possible to consider this review application. Ellie Green (Principal Licensing Officer) apologised and explained that the hearing could not take place with only 2 Members of the Licensing Sub-Committee. Ellie Green thanked all parties for giving up their time this morning and that the review hearing would be adjourned and that a new date for the Skewd Kitchen review hearing would be arranged.