A report from the Executive Director – Environment & Communities is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5815)
Cllr Tim Leaver (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Environment and Communities, seeking approval for the Civic Lifts Refurbishment Project to be funded from the capital Pipeline Programme. The need to ensure well maintained lifts for staff, tenants and visitors was highlighted. This proposal would also avoid the costs of unplanned responsive repairs.
In response to Members’ queries, officers provided assurance in respect of ensuring best value for money in the procurement process.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to:
I. Approve the transfer of £460k borrowing funded budget from the capital Pipeline Programme into the main capital programme for the Civic Lifts Refurbishment project, including £40k contingency.
II. Note that £40k contingency will only be accessed with the advance approval of the Executive Director for Environment & Communities in consultation with the s151 Officer.
III. Delegate to the Head of CMFM the authority to:
o Approve the procurement strategy set out in the report;
o Procure consultants and contractors in accordance with Contract Procedure Rules and relevant procurement legislation;
o award contracts provided each contract falls within the budget envelope approved in Recommendation I; and
o to finalise contract documents.
The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.