Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday, 11th September, 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Conference Room, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA

Contact: Email: 

No. Item




Councillor Ergin Erbil, Interim Leader of the Council, welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Apologies for absence were received from Associate Cabinet Members Councillors Ahmet Hasan and Destiny Karakus.



Members of the Cabinet are invited to identify any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non pecuniary interests relevant to items on the agenda.


There were no declarations of interest.



To note, that no requests for deputations have been received for presentation to this Cabinet meeting.


NOTED that no requests for deputations had been received for presentation to this Cabinet meeting.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 103 KB

To confirm the minutes of the previous Cabinet meeting held on 12 June 2024.


AGREED that the minutes of the previous meeting of the Cabinet held on 12 June 2024 be confirmed as a correct record.


Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy pdf icon PDF 358 KB

A report from the Executive Director – People is attached.  (Key decision – reference number 5749)

Additional documents:


Cllr Alev Cazimoglu (Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care) introduced the report of the Executive Director – People, presenting the draft Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy prior to consideration by Full Council, and outlining the Health and Wellbeing Board’s approach for developing a joint action plan and reporting procedure to track progress.


In response to Members’ queries, clarification was provided how the strategy would help with tackling childhood obesity, and on specific priorities agreed by the Health and Wellbeing Board to focus on monitoring and outcome.


DECISION:  The Cabinet:


I.  Agreed the draft Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy prior to consideration by Full Council.

II.  Agreed the action planning approach and reporting procedure.


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.


Disposal of surplus Council property assets and land pdf icon PDF 298 KB

A report from the Executive Director – Environment and Communities is attached.  (Key decision – reference number 5741)


Item 23 also refers.


(This item contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person – including the authority holding that information) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended).

Additional documents:


Cllr Tim Leaver (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Environment and Communities, identifying a tranche of property assets declared surplus to operational requirements for release for sale, to bring in capital receipts and in the context of right sizing the portfolio.


It was advised that there was continuous asset review, and officers confirmed the good progress on the first tranche of surplus assets approved for disposal.


Members had noted the information in the restricted appendix to the report.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed:


I.  That the Council proceeds with the disposal of the property assets listed in the table contained in both the appendix and confidential appendix (which includes receipt estimates) to the report at the earliest opportunity (subject to appropriate due diligence investigations).

II.  To delegate authority to the Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement in consultation with the Executive Director of Resources and Director of Property (and otherwise in accordance with the Council’s Scheme of Delegation) to market and finalise terms of sale with successful bidders in order to achieve best consideration following completion of full due diligence and stakeholder engagement.


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.



A report from the Executive Director – Environment and Communities is attached.  (Non Key)

Additional documents:


Councillor Ergin Erbil (Interim Leader of the Council) introduced the report of the Chief Executive showing the Quarter 4 performance for 2023/24 (January – March 2024) and comparing it to the Council’s performance across the previous period for a series of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). He thanked officers for their hard work and highlighted significant progress against targets relating to the Decent Homes Standard for council homes, and the meeting of targets in relation to council housing safety certificates and risk assessments.


In response to Members’ queries, further details were provided on measures being taken to resolve communal lift safety performance, and to improve levels of persistent absence in secondary schools.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed:


I.  To note the progress being made against the key priority indicators for Enfield.

II.  To note, on Council Housing, the Annual Complaints report for 2023/24 and the improvement actions for 2024/25 agreed by Cabinet which have been designed to deliver improved outcomes for residents. Progress on complaint handling performance and resident satisfaction will continue to be monitored and specifically reviewed following the annual Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey to be carried out in October.


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.


Traveller Local Plan Regulation 18(2) pdf icon PDF 272 KB

A report from the Executive Director – Environment & Communities is attached.  (Key decision – reference number 5758)

Additional documents:


Cllr Ergin Erbil (Interim Leader of the Council) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Environment and Communities, presenting the Draft Traveller Local Plan (TLP) to proceed to consultation, outlining proposed site allocations and policies designed to meet the accommodation needs of the Traveller communities in the borough up to 2041. He thanked officers for their hard work towards provision of required accommodation to meet the needs of Traveller communities.


A note to Cabinet and an updated copy of the Draft Traveller Local Plan (Appendix A) with minor amendments had been circulated, and printed copies provided at the meeting.


Officers provided greater explanation of the process and proposed consultation, and responded to Members’ questions on timelines.


Cabinet recorded thanks to Karen Maguire and her team in Strategic Property Services for their excellent community work.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed:


I.  To approve the Draft Traveller Local Plan (TLP) 2019-2041 and its supporting documents (Appendix A) and note that the TLP will be presented to Full Council on 18 September for approval for publication for a six-week period of public consultation, in accordance with Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

II.  To note the content and conclusions of the Equality Impact Assessment (set out in Appendix B) and Integrated Impact Assessment (Appendix C).

III.  To note the legal and financial implications set out in paragraphs 29 –34 of the report.

IV.  To delegate authority to the Director of Planning and Growth to make minor amendments to the document in Appendix A prior to the commencement of the consultation period under Regulation 18, to address any editorial errors including typographical errors to ensure consistency and clarity.

V.  To delegate authority to the Director of Planning and Growth to commence consultation under Regulation 18 as soon as reasonably possible.


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.


2023/24 Revenue Provisional Outturn Report pdf icon PDF 738 KB

A report from the Executive Director – Resources is attached.  (Key decision – reference number 5788)


Cllr Tim Leaver (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources, setting out the Council’s revenue provisional outturn position and providing updates on savings, collection fund performance, the Dedicated Schools Grant provisional outturn and impact on earmarked reserves balances. The adverse variance and challenges from areas of pressure were noted, and flexible use of capital receipts would be utilised to begin to address this.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed to note/approve the following:


I.  An adverse variance at outturn of £39.4m is reported in respect of financial year 2023/24.

II.  2023/24 progress on savings set in the original 2023/24 budget as laid out in Appendices B and C, with a shortfall in delivery in-year of £3.4m.

III.  The impact of the forecast on the reserves balances as set out in paragraphs 126-132/Table 5 and the consequences this has for longer-term financial resilience.

IV.  The in-year net underspend for Dedicated Schools Grant of £0.5m, £1.3m Early Years underspend offset by an overspend of £0.8m for High Needs cost pressures leading to a cumulative deficit of £14.752m.

V.  Recommend to Council to approve the use of an additional £4.9m to fund Revenue expenditure, using the Flexible use of Capital Receipts (FUCR), bringing the total value of expenditure funded by FUCR to £7.1m for 2023/24 as set out in the revised schedule of projects in Appendix G.

VI.  Note that the Annual Internal Audit opinion was there is Reasonable Assurance on the overall adequacy and effectiveness of the Council’s framework of governance, risk management and control. (See paragraph 6).


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.


Housing Gateway Limited 2023/24 outturn report pdf icon PDF 227 KB

A report from the Executive Director – Resources is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5788)


Cllr Ergin Erbil (Interim Leader of the Council) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources, updating Cabinet on the outturn position of Housing Gateway Limited (HGL) for 2023/24.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed to note the 2023/24 outturn position for Housing Gateway Limited (HGL).


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.


LBE Companies – Energetik outturn report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 229 KB

A report from the Executive Director – Resources is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5788)


Item 24 also refers.


(This item contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person – including the authority holding that information) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended).


Cllr Tim Leaver (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources, updating Cabinet on the outturn position of Energetik for 2023/24. The ongoing work and organisational changes at Energetik were welcomed.


Members had noted the information in the restricted appendix to the report.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed to note the 2023/24 outturn position for Energetik.


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.


Quarter 1 2024/25 Revenue Forecast update pdf icon PDF 958 KB

A report from the Executive Director – Resources is attached.  (Key decision – reference number 5789)


Cllr Tim Leaver (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources, setting out the Council’s revenue forecast position compared to the budget for 2024/25, based on the position at the end of June 2024. He advised that cost pressures continued as in the previous year, and additionally new emerging pressures had been identified in Children’s external care placement cost and the Housing Benefit Subsidy loss. Details of the variances by department were set out in the report.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed to note/approve the following:


I.  An adverse net variance of £11.4m is reported in respect of financial year 2024/25, after the application of the specific earmarked reserve for Temporary Accommodation and the flexible use of capital receipts.

II.  Progress on savings set in the original 2024/25 budget and those deferred from 2023/24 as laid out in Appendices B and C, with a projected shortfall in delivery in-year of £1.7m.

III.  The impact of the forecast on the reserves balances as set out in paragraphs 112-121/Tables 5 and 6 and the consequences this has for longer-term financial resilience.

IV.  The forecast in-year overspend on the Dedicated Schools Grant of £2.5m, leading to a projected cumulative deficit of £17.252m.

V.  Recommend to Council to approve the revised schedule of projects for flexible use of capital receipts in 2024/25 as set out in Appendix E.


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.


2024/25 Q1 monitoring - capital pdf icon PDF 572 KB

A report from the Executive Director – Resources is attached.  (Key decision – reference number 5789)


Cllr Tim Leaver (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources, providing an update on capital programme spend at Quarter 1 (30 June 2024). Details of the proposed budget revisions were set out in the report.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed:


I.  To recommend that Council approves:

a. £2.2m of growth (£0.1m Civic Centre D block, £2.1m HGL), funded by borrowing, to the 2024/25 capital programme (Appendix A).

b. A revised 2024/25 capital budget of £357.3m funded from £167.1m capital grants, £4.6m s106 contributions and CIL, £34.6m capital receipts (including Right to Buy receipts), £27.5m earmarked capital reserves and £123.5m borrowing.

c. £5.2m growth to the Pipeline Programme (Appendix D) and delegates authority to Cabinet to approve and move into the capital programme projects up to £10m from the Pipeline programme (£30m threshold for temporary accommodation), provided the capital programme remains within affordability metrics.

II.  To note:

a. 2024/25 Quarter 1 forecast spend of £337.5m, against a budget of £357.3m (Council approval September).


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.


Housing Gateway Limited Q1 monitoring report pdf icon PDF 178 KB

A report from the Executive Director – Resources is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5789)


Cllr Ergin Erbil (Interim Leader of the Council) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources, updating Cabinet on the Quarter 1 financial monitoring report for 2024/25 for Housing Gateway Limited (HGL).


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed to note the Q1 position of Housing Gateway Limited (HGL).


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.


LBE Companies – Energetik Q1 monitoring report 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 160 KB

A report from the Executive Director – Resources is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5789)


Item 25 also refers.


(This item contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person – including the authority holding that information) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended).


Cllr Tim Leaver (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources, updating Cabinet on the Energetik Q1 monitoring position for 2024/25.


Members had noted the information in the restricted appendix to the report.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed to note the 2024/25 Q1 position for Energetik.


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.


Treasury Management Quarter 1 2024/25 Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 753 KB

A report from the Executive Director – Resources is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5789)


Cllr Tim Leaver (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources, reporting on activities of the Council’s Treasury Management function over the three months to 30 June 2024 and providing financial estimates for 2024/25. He also emphasised the longer term view in the Treasury Management five year plan and the ten year capital strategy, that the Council had little short-term debt, and that debt remained within the affordability level set by the Council.


Officers provided further detail in respect of the Operational Boundary indicator.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed:


I.  To note the borrowing and investments position and estimates as at 30th June 2024, and

II.  To note that voluntary Minimum Revenue Provision for Meridian Water for 2024/25 will be reduced from £3.2m to £0.5m.


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.


2023/24 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Outturn Report pdf icon PDF 331 KB

A report from the Executive Director - Resources is attached.  (Key decision – reference number 5766)


Cllr Ayten Guzel (Cabinet Member for Housing) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources, providing the final outturn position for 2023/24 of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), covering both revenue and capital expenditure associated with delivering the Council’s Housing service. She advised that the housing crisis was still having an impact, but the Council was committed to delivering improvement in council housing standards and developing and acquiring new council homes.


In response to Members’ questions, an update was provided on key HRA projects including at Alma estate, Meridian Water and Reardon Court, and on the £103.8m investment in council housing stock.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed to note the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) outturn position for 2023/24 for both revenue and capital.


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.


Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Quarter 1 financial monitoring report 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 362 KB

A report from the Executive Director – Resources is attached.  (Key decision – reference number 5766)


Cllr Ayten Guzel (Cabinet Member for Housing) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources, providing an update of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), forecast outturn position for 2024/25 as at Quarter 1, covering both revenue and capital expenditure associated with delivering the Council’s Housing service. The pressures against the budget were detailed, and that the Council continued to invest to improve council housing stock. Acquisitions would also generate long term rental income.


In response to Members’ questions, the continued work to mitigate fire risks was confirmed, and that all dangerous cladding had been removed from council housing stock. Details were also provided on longer term temporary accommodation solutions, without reliance on hotel accommodation.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed:


I.  To note the Quarter 1 forecast outturn position for 2024/25 for both revenue and capital.

II.  To approve moving £22.5m from the pipeline capital programme to the main capital programme to invest in temporary accommodation solutions, following delegated approval within the 10-year capital programme report agreed by Full Council (KD5502).


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.


Medium Term Financial Plan Update 2025/26 to 2029/30 pdf icon PDF 269 KB

A report from the Executive Director – Resources is attached.  (Key decision – reference number 5782)


Cllr Tim Leaver (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources, providing the first tranche of savings and income generation proposals for 2025/26 financial year. The budget pressures were set out in the report and had been discussed earlier in this meeting. The proposals would deliver new savings and income generation to stabilise the budget.


In response to Members’ questions, it was confirmed that all savings proposals had been impact assessed.


Cllr Leaver took the opportunity to record thanks on behalf of himself, the Finance Team, and Cabinet to Fay Hammond (Executive Director – Resources) for all her hard work over many years as she was moving on from Enfield to the GLA. The development of a Finance Team with such capability and professionalism was testament to her diligence.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed to:


I.  Approve the proposed income and savings proposals of £10.278m for 2025/26 set out in Appendix A comprising:

• £5.030m from efficiencies and,

• £5.248m from receipts and income generation.

II.  Note that the income and savings proposals set out in the report were being recommended for approval subject to consultation and assessment of the equality implications where relevant.

III.  Note the potential impact of the ending of the current statutory Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) override if this is not extended beyond 2026.


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.


Digital Services Portfolio pdf icon PDF 311 KB

A report from the Executive Director – Resources / Chief Technology Officer is attached.  (Key Decision - reference number 5801)


Cllr Tim Leaver (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources, setting out the Council’s digital investment portfolio of work for 2024/25 and seeking appropriate funding via flexible use of capital receipts, capital, and revenue.


Adrian Gorst was welcomed as Chief Technology Officer this year and thanked for the impact he was making to improve resilience and security, and modernisation and transformation so as to better support residents.


DECISION:  The Cabinet:


I.  Agreed the Council’s digital investment portfolio of work for 2024/2025 as set out in the Appendix which includes 10 priority projects listed in the report.

II.  Agreed the allocation of £1.1m of flexible use of capital receipts and £120k of capital for 2024/25 for the purpose of developing and delivering the priority projects in the agreed digital investment portfolio of work.


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.



To note that the next meeting of the Cabinet is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 16 October 2024 at 7:00pm.


NOTED the next meeting of the Cabinet was scheduled to take place on Wednesday 16 October 2024 at 7:00pm.




A resolution was passed under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972 excluding the press and public from the meeting for the items of business listed on Part 2 of the agenda on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act (as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006).


Part 2


Disposal of surplus Council property assets and land

Item 6 above refers

Additional documents:


Members noted the information in the restricted appendix to the report considered at Minute 6 above.


LBE Companies – Energetik outturn report 2023/24

Item 11 above refers


Members noted the information in the restricted appendix to the report considered at Minute 11 above.


LBE Companies – Energetik Q1 monitoring report 2024/25

Item 15 above refers


Members noted the information in the restricted appendix to the report considered at Minute 15 above.