Browse meetings

General Purposes Committee

This page lists the meetings for General Purposes Committee.


Information about General Purposes Committee

Internal Audit

     I.        The annual Internal Audit Report, including the Head of Internal Audit and Risk Management’s Annual Opinion over the Council’s assurance framework and internal control environment.

    II.        The annual risk-based plan of internal audit work, from which the annual opinion on the level of governance, risk management and internal control can be derived. The plan will include the budget requirement and resource plan in terms of audit days needed to deliver the programme of work.

  III.        The internal audit charter, defining the service’s purpose, authority and responsibilities. The charter will cover arrangements for appropriate resourcing define the role of internal audit in fraud-related work and set out arrangements for avoiding conflicts of interest.

  IV.        Regular updates from the Head of Internal Audit and Risk Management on audit and investigation activities. These will include progress on delivering the annual programme of work, emerging themes, risks and issues and management’s responsiveness in implementing recommendations and responding to Internal Audit. In line with requirements of the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards, performance of the Internal Audit Service and the results of quality assurance and improvement activities will also be reported.

   V.        Specific internal audit reports agreed between the Chair and the Executive Director Resources or the Chief Executive.

  VI.        The Council’s policies on ‘Raising Concerns at Work’ and the ‘Anti-fraud and corruption strategy’.

VII.        The implementation of relevant legislation relating to fraud and corruption.


External Audit

     I.        The External Auditor’s Annual Letter and relevant reports.

    II.         Specific reports as agreed with the External Auditor.

  III.        To comment on the scope and depth of external audit work and to ensure it gives value for money.

  IV.        The External Auditor’s Report to those charged with governance from the audit of the accounts


Risk Management

       I.        The strategy for effective development and operation of risk management and corporate governance in the Council to ensure compliance with best practice.

     II.         Departmental and corporate risk registers.


Procurement and Contracts

     I.        An overview of the Council’s Constitution in respect of contract procedure rules, financial regulations and relevant codes of conduct and protocols.

    II.        Reports on waiving of contract procedure rules.


Other issues

     I.        The Council’s annual Statement of Accounts.

    II.        Any matters referred to it from the Monitoring Officer’s meetings.

  III.        Any issue referred to it by the Chief Executive or a Director, or any Council body for determination.

  IV.        An Annual Report, for submission to Council, summarising the work done by the Committee over the past year and outlining work to be done in the year to come.

   V.        The Council’s Annual Governance Statement and to formally agree it.

  VI.        Quarterly updates on the use of Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA).

VII.        Commissioned work from internal and external audit, the Executive Director Resources or other Council officers



I.          To keep under review and make recommendation to the Council advised by the monitoring officer, on the Constitution to ensure that the aims and principles of the Constitution are upheld.


Members Support

     I.        Making recommendations to the Council for the adoption or revision of a scheme of allowances, training and development for Members.

    II.        To consider issues and develop proposals relating to all aspects of Members’ support, including:

• Administrative and ICT support;

• Members’ enquiries; and

• Members’ wellbeing and office accommodation support.



     I.        To review and agree the electoral arrangements in the borough relating to the designation of polling districts and polling places in accordance with any provisions of the Representation of the People Acts.

    II.        To receive reports from the Returning Officer on the conduct of major elections in the Borough, and to make relevant recommendations to Council as necessary in respect of the areas which come within the Council’s jurisdiction.

  III.        To receive reports from the Electoral Registration Officer on the administration of the Register of Electors and the absent voting process in the Borough, and to make relevant recommendations to Council as necessary in respect of the areas which come within the Council’s jurisdiction.

  IV.        To consider consultation papers from government and other bodies (such as The Electoral Commission) on aspects of the electoral process, and to agree the Council’s formal responses to such consultations.