Agenda item


RECOMMENDATION:  Subject to securing an appropriate Legal Agreement, the Head of Development Control be authorised to Grant planning permission subject to conditions and completion of Section 106 agreement.

WARD:  Upper Edmonton





1.    The introduction by Kevin Tohill, Planning Decisions Manager, clarifying the proposal.

2.    Members’ debate, and questions responded to by officers including the following points:

a.    Lack of a reasonable amount of affordable housing for a development of this scale.

b.    Clarification of the £10k for the consultation and implementation of a future CPZ as detailed as part of the Section 106 details.

c.    Concerns regarding anti-social behaviour.

d.    The site is an overdevelopment of a high density.

e.    Proposed parking would result in the generation of additional traffic.

f.     Lack of external amenity space.

3.    Members’ debate, and questions responded to by officers.

4.    The view of the majority of the committee that they could not support the officers’ recommendation, because of the cumulative effect of the issues of concern outlined above, with 1 vote for and 5 against.

5.    The decision  of the committee to refuse the application  with 5 votes for and 1 against on the grounds of Lack of Affordable Housing; Density/Overdevelopment; Parking/Highways Impact and Amenity Space/Quality of Accommodation.


AGREED that planning permission be refused and that the detailed wording of the reasons would be agreed by the Committee by correspondence, as set out below.


Reasons for refusal agreed by email

1.         Affordable Housing


Notwithstanding the viability information provided, it is considered that the proposal fails to provide the maximum reasonable amount of affordable housing for a development of this scale, contrary to policies 3.11 and 3.12 of the London Plan (2015),  Policies CP3 and CP39 of the Core Strategy and DMD 1 and DMD 3 of the Development Management Document.


2.         Density


The proposed development particularly due to high density, together with its architectural approach, bulk, scale, mass and design, would result in the introduction of an overly intensive form of development. This would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the area, to the adjacent listed buildings and the Fore Street Conservation area. The development fails to integrate satisfactorily with its surroundings and would result in the introduction of a visually prominent form of development out of keeping with the surrounding area. It is thus considered that the proposal fails to take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of the area, contrary to Policies CP5 and CP30 of the Core Strategy, Policies DMD6, DMD8, DMD10, DMD37 and DMD38 of the Development Management Document, London Plan Policies 3.4, 7.4 & 7.6 and the NPPF.


3.         Parking


The proposed development would result in the generation of additional traffic and parking pressures on the local and strategic road network, adding to existing traffic and parking capacity issues. In this respect the development would be contrary to Policy 6.13 of the London Plan, CP 24 and CP30 of the Core Strategy and Policy DMD 45 and DMD 47 of the Development Management Document.


4.         Amenity Space


The proposed development due to lack of communal amenity space and children’s on-site play space, taken together with the inclusion of winter gardens rather than balconies, due to the design constraints, would fail to provide sufficient and meaningful external amenity space, resulting in a poor quality living environment for future residents.  The proposal would be contrary to CP30 of the Core Strategy (2010), 3.5, 3.6 of the London Plan (2015), the London Housing SPG and DMD 8 and DMD 9 of the Development Management Document (2014).



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