Agenda item


A report from the Executive Director of Regeneration and Environment is attached. (Key decision – reference number 4558)

(Report No.54)

(8.45 – 8.50 pm)


Councillor Daniel Anderson (Cabinet Member for Environment) introduced the report of the Executive Director of Regeneration and Environment (No.54) seeking authority to amend the scope of the Cabinet decision made on 19 October 2016 through Report No.102 (KD 4234) to extend Edmonton Cemetery.




1.               The proposed revised approach to the Edmonton Cemetery Extension as detailed in the report.


2.               Councillor Anderson’s explanation that this was a change to the original proposals which would enable the greater expansion of Edmonton Cemetery and the replacement of the poorly used tennis courts on the A10 with new courts in a better location at Firs Farm.  It would also bring in an extra £500,000 for investment in tennis across the borough.  The change followed a suggestion from the Friends of Firs Farm and was a good example of the Council listening to residents and responding to local wishes. 


3.               The revised proposals were welcomed by Councillor Fonyonga, Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Public Health and Councillor Yasemin Brett, Cabinet Member for Community Arts and Culture. 


4.               Councillor Brett welcomed them as she felt it would be easier for relatives to visit graves closer to where they lived and for residents to play tennis in a less polluted environment.  As Animal Champion, she asked if it would be possible to set aside a part of the new cemetery for pets.  Nicky Fiedler, Assistant Director Commercial Regeneration and Environment, agreed to take this away to find out whether it would be possible.


5.               Councillor Savva was concerned to make sure that the new courts would be visible to ensure the safety of those playing. 


6.               Councillor Celebi was concerned that there would be fewer tennis courts than at present and wanted to ensure that the new courts would not infringe on the existing football pitches.  She was assured that this would not be so and that the cemetery would be open to all faiths. 


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED, that aside from the alternative options considered in Report No.102 (KD 4234), officers had considered continuing with the original scope approved by Cabinet in October 2016. However, the revised scope of the project was being pursued because it provided the best outcomes for the Cemetery Service, tennis provision within the Borough, and meets the aspirations of the local community.


DECISION: The Cabinet


1.               Agreed to approve plans to move the four tennis courts, that would have been upgraded through the Edmonton Cemetery Expansion Programme, from the land adjacent to Edmonton Cemetery to Firs Farm subject to planning permission.


2.               Agreed that the land on which the four tennis courts currently stands become part of the wider Edmonton Cemetery Expansion Programme, increasing the number of burial plots to 2137 and increasing investment in tennis provision to £500k.


3.               Recognised that approval of the revised scope would result in a delay of up to three months to the completion of the Edmonton Cemetery Expansion Programme.


Reasons for recommendations: The revised scope met all of the objectives agreed in Report No.102 (KD 4234), while allowing for an increase in burial space that would meet demand for a further five years, over and above the original scope agreed by Cabinet, allowed for greater investment in tennis, and met the Friends of Firs Farm’s aspirations of delivering new facilities at the playing fields.  

(Key decision – reference number 4558)

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