Agenda item

Local Concerns

This is an opportunity for residents to raise environmental and other matters with their local councillors. Please email us before the meeting about any particular issues so that we can look into them beforehand. Our contact details are below.



Cllr Robert Hayward

0208 440 5439


Cllr Daniel Pearce



Cllr Edward Smith





6.       Local Concerns: There were questions and discussion on the following raised by residents:


a)      Parking: Parking restriction changes are to be introduced in Wynchgate, Raleigh Way and Queen Elizabeth’s Drive. Local residents have submitted a petition objecting to the proposed changes.  Residents are not happy with the reasons given for the changes which are that visitors and residents are confused by the parking restrictions. The current restrictions have been existence for 30 years so residents do not agree and request that restrictions remain as is. Residents said that signage is confusing, that signs close to each other contradict one another or are in inappropriate places. Raleigh Way has recently had its signage changed and this has better enforcement.


b)      Premier Inn: There have been complaints around the working hours at Premier Inn. Cllr Smith reported delays due to an upgrade in cladding following Grenfell. The project is nearly complete with a target of finishing before Christmas.


c)       Oakwood Park:  Cllr Smith had an update on saplings in Oakwood Park following a question from a resident. The resident was not in attendance.


d)      Kervan: Ongoing issue with planning and a history exists since 2014. Cllr Smith reported that this issue was going through a legal process.


e)      Kentucky Chicken: Nuisance and anti-social behaviour from Kentucky Fried Chicken and customers was discussed. Cllr smith provided an update including a proposed new layout which may help to mitigate the problem. The layout is for parking, rubbish bins and trees. The proposal will require the pedestrian crossing to be moved.


f)       Minchenden Site: Cllr Smith answered a question informing that the Minchenden site is to provide education services to autistic children.


g)      Small Business Saturday:  An event is being run to promote local businesses and encourage community use.


h)      Neighbourhood Watch: Residents are trying to re-establish CAPE meetings for Southgate residents. The last CAPE meeting was two years ago.


i)        Chase Side: A concern was raised regarding the state of one of the shops on Chase Side that seems to have fallen in disrepair. Cllr Smith agreed to look into it.


j)        Ashmolean Rugby Club: The clubhouse was burned down and the site remains insecure. The building is to be demolished and Cllr Smith will find out the reason for delays and when to expect demolition.


k)      Site adjacent to Grovelands: Residents, business and local community groups including Bourne Methodist Church, the Priory, Groveland’s Resident’s Association, a nursery, dog trainers and Neighbourhood Watch met to discuss the site adjacent to Grovelands Park. The land has been neglected and fallen into disrepair and become a location for anti-social behaviour and crime. The community met and have suggested a community project with the Priory Hospital. They have produced a proposal that they have sent to Historic England for review before going to Enfield Council. The proposal includes an Outpatient facility for the Priory, a community facility and a café to be run by volunteers. The proposal includes the possibility of matched funding and the desired outcome of positive use for the land.