Agenda item


To receive a report from Debbie Michael, Adoption Manager.


Linda Hughes (Head of Service for Looked after Children) presented a report which updated OSC on the work of the Fostering and Adoption Services since August 2017. It provided information relating to the work undertaken by the Fostering and Adoption Services and statistics relating to the recruitment of foster carers and adopters, as well as Orders relating to children placed with adopters and special guardians.


The following was highlighted:

  • The regionalisation of adoption agencies, which is a government initiative, is progressing. The current consortium which includes Enfield consists of six boroughs and will become the Regional Adoption Agency for North London.
  • Fostering allowances for Enfield have been reviewed for second and subsequent children. This now aligns with other local authorities.  It is important as a means of encouraging the fostering of sibling groups.


The following issues/ questions were raised:

  • In answer to whether we have a sufficient number of foster carers and adopters it was answered that marketing is undertaken to ensure that we have adequate numbers.  As there are a lot of houses with bedrooms in the borough this helps in the caring for Enfield children within the area.
  • A question was asked about independent agencies and whether there was a reason why we did not let the private sector take on the work of the fostering process. Linda stated that by using our own foster carers our staff are able to carry out assessments, which are undertaken in the same building as the council’s Looked After Children(LAC) service. This helps in the continuity of care and the keeping of friendship groups. Our staff then carry out the monitoring process.  It should be remembered that this is also the more cost- effective means of providing this service.
  • It was noted that an additional 15 plus foster carers are to be recruited and assessed for 2018/19.  In the previous year we appointed only 4 adopters, as we already had a number on our list and wished to avoid disappointment for any potential adopters.
  • We have a commitment that for children under 10 years of age, we ensure sibling groups are kept together.
  • It was asked if the increasing mental health problems experienced by young people was impacting on the service.  Linda agreed that there were more instances of this, but that fortunately, we were able to respond as we have specialist support – Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) within the LAC service and that there is no waiting list.
  • The implementation date of the new Regional Adoption Agency for North London is April 2019. Councillor Levy asked if this has had an impact on recruitment?  It was thought the original plan to have a London wide agency was seen to be unrealistic as it was too large an area.  A new manager was now taking this scheme forward and listening events have been organised. Linda said the team are pragmatic, and realise that they may not be based in Enfield in the future.
  • In answer to a question about the placement of children with adopters of different ethnicity it was stated there was no reason why we would not do this. Our primary objective is to ensure a child’s needs are met.  


Linda Hughes was thanked for her report.


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