Agenda item


A report from the Executive Director – Place is attached. (Key decision – reference number 4709)

(Report No.108)

(7.50 –  8.00pm)


Councillor Yasemin Brett (Cabinet Member for Public Health) left the meeting for this item, Minute No.2 above referred.


Councillor Ahmet Oykener (Cabinet Member for Property and Assets) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Place (No.108) recommending that the council progress towards the North London Waste Plan’s timely adoption.




1.            That this was a long-term plan that has been subject to extensive negotiations over several years. The seven North London Boroughs, as detailed in the report, have been working together to produce the North London Waste Plan (NLWP) which would cover the period to 2035. Once adopted it would form part of the statutory Development Plan for all seven boroughs, including Enfield.


2.            That the NLWP did not in itself allocate specific sites for waste facilities nor grant planning permission for new waste operations, its primary function is to provide broad “areas of search” that meet specific criteria, as well as planning policies for the assessment of future applications. The Plan provides for one “area of search” in Enfield of 26 hectares; this has been negotiated down from over 200 hectares previously sought.


3.            The detailed and lengthy process to be undertaken following the approval of all 7 boroughs, including publication, public consultation, external examination and final adoption as outlined in the report.


4.            That not progressing with the NLWP would leave Enfield vulnerable to challenge, and potentially subject to unsuitable waste development proposals that would be difficult to resist without a Plan in place. This could then impact on land needed for other priorities such as regeneration, housing growth and infrastructure projects such as Crossrail 2.


5.            The significant work that had been undertaken to reach this stage in the proposals. Officers that had been involved were commended.


6.            A detailed discussion took place on the proposals contained within the Plan and outstanding concerns were highlighted regarding potentially suitable areas and, their impact including transport and environmental issues. In response, it was explained that this was a planning policy document to set policies and identify “areas of search”, it was not granting planning permission or allocating sites and any specific applications coming forward in the future would be subject to the planning application process. The required detailed approval process of the waste plan going forward was outlined to Members.


7.            The public consultation that would take place and the evidence gathered as part of this process. Negotiations would continue with the other Boroughs. In response to questions raised, Members were advised of the importance of positively engaging with the other Boroughs and how the progress of this Plan could impact on the approval of the Council’s Local Plan which will be out to consultation from December 2018 and  due for adoption in 2021. Enfield needs to be positively engaging in progressing a waste plan to show that it can accommodate its future waste management needs.


8.            A discussion took place on the levels of recycling rates as set out in the NLWP including the need for clear Government policy on reducing business waste and increasing recycling rates. Several of the figures detailed in the Plan were outside of the Council’s direct control. It was noted that the targets were ambitious.


9.            In conclusion it was noted that the seven North London Boroughs would continue to negotiate and work together as the NLWP progressed.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED, the detailed alternative options which had been considered as set out in section 4 of the report.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to:


1.            Endorse the North London Waste Plan (set out in Annex 1 of the report) for publication and subsequent submission to the government.


2.            Authorise that the Executive Director – Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Property and Assets, and in conjunction with the other North London boroughs, to submit appropriate changes to the Waste Plan in the run up to, and during, the public examination into the document.


RECOMMENED TO COUNCIL to approve the North London Waste Plan.


Reason: NOTED, the detailed reasons for the above recommendations as set out in section 5 of the report.

(Key decision – reference number 4709)


Councillor Brett returned to the meeting.

Supporting documents: