Agenda item


At its meeting on 9 July 2019, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee agreed to refer this matter back to the Cabinet for re-consideration following the call-in of the Cabinet decision taken on 12 June 2019.


The Chair is asked to agree that this matter be considered as an urgent item in order to meet the requirements of the call-in process for the re-consideration of this item at the next scheduled Cabinet meeting.


A report from the Executive Director – Place is attached together with the Cabinet report considered on 12 June 2019 and, an extract of the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting. (Key decision – reference number 4868)

(Report No.64)


Councillor Nesil Caliskan (Leader of the Council) introduced the matter referred from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in respect of the Future of the Responsive Repairs Service.


NOTED that at its meeting on 9 July 2019, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had agreed to refer this matter back to the Cabinet for re-consideration following the call-in of the previous Cabinet decision taken on 12 June 2019.


AGREED, that this matter be considered as an urgent item in order to meet the requirements of the call-in process for the re-consideration of this item at the next scheduled Cabinet meeting. Cabinet Members confirmed that they had all had an opportunity to read and consider the papers being presented to them for consideration and, agreed to proceed with the item as set out below.




1.            The report of the Executive Director – Place (No.64) responding to the issues raised during the call-in process, together with the Cabinet report of 12 June 2019 (No.8) and an extract of the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 9 July 2019.


2.            That the report had previously been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as part of the pre-decision scrutiny process. The comments made at that time had been taken into consideration when preparing the report for Cabinet consideration in June. Following the Cabinet decision, the decision had been called-in and subject to Overview and Scrutiny consideration, as outlined in the report.


3.            Members reiterated the commitment of the Council’s administration to insourcing services. This was a major service area and an area of work which currently resulted in resident complaints and significant casework for Ward Councillors.


4.            The Cabinet reiterated their support of the original Cabinet decision whilst noting the issues that had been raised for re-consideration.


5.            In response to questions raised, the Director of Law and Governance explained in detail the Council’s scrutiny and call-in processes.


6.            Whilst acknowledging the concerns raised by Members over the delay in implementing the Cabinet decision, Councillor Caliskan (Leader of the Council) reiterated that the Council had a clear and radical agenda with politically led decisions that would be subject to challenge from individuals who had different politics. Councillor Caliskan noted that those Councillors who voted against the report at Overview and Scrutiny simply do not share the political belief that Councils should look to insource services. The scrutiny process had resulted in detailed discussion and improvements to the report considered by the Cabinet. The report addressed the points that had been raised by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


7.            Members extended their thanks and appreciation to the officers involved for the significant work that had been undertaken.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to re-confirm their original decision as set out in the recommendations of Report No.8 – Cabinet – 12 June 2019 and detailed below:


1.            Agreed a phased approach to in-sourcing the day to day repairs service as detailed in section 3 of the report and noted the creation of a multi-disciplinary Operational Board which would report on progress to the Repairs Task Force.


2.            Approve a mobilisation budget of £1.2 million, allocated over 2 years, funded from HRA repairs reserve.


3.            Note that a 5-year business plan would come forward as part of the annual HRA budget cycle for 2020/21.


4.            Delegate authority to the Director of Housing and Regeneration to commence procurement and tendering exercises to mobilise 5-year contracts, for compliance works including gas servicing, electrical checks and lift services along with back up responsive repairs services.


(Key decision – reference number 4868)


Councillor Dogan left at this point of the meeting.


Supporting documents: