Agenda item

Drumsheds, 6 Glover Drive, LONDON, N18 3HF

Item 5 above refers




That the discussion regarding this item, which included the representations from representatives of the Police, Licensing Authority and Premises Licence Holder; questions in response to these and closing summaries were undertaken in Part 2. The Panel then retired with the legal adviser and committee administrator to consider the application further, and then the meeting reconvened in public at 16:48.


The LSC RESOLVEDit appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives to modify the conditions of the licence.


The conditions proposed by the premises licence holder and reviewed by the Police and Licensing Authority, have been amended by the LSC. These conditions are now applied to the premises licence and are attached in Appendix A of the decision notice (RESTRICTED).


The Chair made the following statement:


“The LSC considered the extensive written submissions from the premises licence holder (PLH) and the Police and listened to the representations of the legal representatives of both parties.


Following the interim steps imposed at the hearing on 12th December 2024, the PLH submitted evidence concerning the measures it has implemented and proposes to continue to implement with a view to promoting the licensing objectives of eliminating crime and disorder and promoting public safety. The PLH has promised to work with partners and have monthly meetings with the police. The LSC considered the submissions of the PLH in relation to five questions it directed the LSC to consider, that is:

·       Whether the PLH is competent to operate the venue;

·       Whether it has competent partners;

·       Whether it has the resources;

·       Whether the venue is suitable; and

·       Whether the measures it has adopted are proportionate.


The LSC is satisfied with the changes the PLH has made since the incident on 7 December 2024 as it has demonstrated its commitment to run the venue competently. The PLH has introduced and adopted enhanced safety measures with appropriate partners and has shown that its determination to run events at Drumsheds in a safe manner.”


Mr Kolvin asked for clarification as to what had been said with regards to 2.3, to which the Chair confirmed it had been deleted. Esther Hughes asked for clarification as to what had been said on 2.7, to which the Chair confirmed the words “and explosive detection dogs” were to be deleted.


The Chair thanked everyone for their time and contributions, and the meeting ended at 16:55.

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