9. MEMBERSHIPS: In addition, this Code requires you to disclose any interests in any business of the Authority where it relates to, or is likely to affect either: (i) Any body of which you are a member, or in a position of general control or management and to which you are appointed or nominated by your Authority: (ii) Any body which excerises functions of a public nature, is directed to charitable purposes (this will include, for example, National Trust, Enfield Over 50's Forum, Masons, Amnesty International etc.) or has a primary purpose of influencing public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union) of which you are a member or in a position of general control or management.
Myself |
My Spouse or Partner |
Conservative Party |
Member & Charity Volunteer at the Scout Association |
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Charity Volunteer at the Institute of Advanced Motorists |
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Non-Executive Director & Chairman of the Board - Cathedral Enterprises (St. Albans) Ltd |
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Conservative Councillors Association |
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Alumni at Henley Business College |
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Chartered Management Institute |
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Chairman - Tower Point Leaseholders Association |
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Edmonton & Winchmore Hill Conservative Association |
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