Forthcoming Decisions

Forthcoming Decisions
Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
KD 5795 - Approval to Tender a New Voluntary Sector Contract for Children's and Adult's Services05/08/2024For DeterminationNot before 03/09/2024
KD 5794 - Transport Strategy and Placemaking Framework01/08/2024For Determination16/10/2024
KD 5792 - Partner Selection Manager - Energetik31/07/2024For Determination15/01/2025
KD 5781 - Award of contract to appoint a Reseller for the Council's customer contact centre (Genesys Cloud Platform)31/07/2024For DeterminationNot before 19/09/2024
KD 5784 - Budget Report 2025/26 and Medium Term Financial Plan 2025/26 to 2029/3031/07/2024For Determination27/02/2025
KD 5787 - Procurement of Adult Substance Misuse Recovery Service31/07/2024For DeterminationNot before 31/10/2024
KD 5783 - Medium Term Financial Plan Update 2025/26 to 2029/3031/07/2024For Determination15/01/2025
KD 5791 - 4 Anthony Way25/07/2024For DeterminationNot before 23/08/2024
KD 5790 - Variation to the Traffic, Parking & Ancillary Services Contract19/07/2024For DeterminationNot before 19/08/2024
KD 5786 - Contract for the supply of advertising on highway assets09/07/2024For DeterminationNot before 12/08/2024
KD 5785 - Individual Placement Support Fund contract extension05/07/2024For DeterminationNot before 05/08/2024
KD 5780 - Renewal of Contract for 273 Lincoln Road03/07/2024For DeterminationNot before 01/08/2024
KD 5778 - Moving Pipeline Capital Projects to Main Capital Programme28/06/2024For DeterminationNot before 29/07/2024
KD 5777 - Meridian Water Update28/06/2024For Determination13/11/2024
KD 5776 - M13, Development Partner selection28/06/2024For Determination26/02/2025
KD 5773 - Music Education Hub Funding28/06/2024For DeterminationNot before 01/08/2024
KD 5767 - 2025/26 Capital Strategy & 2025/26 - 2034/35 10 Year Capital Programme28/06/2024For Determination15/01/2025
KD 5771 - 2025/26 HRA Budget and Rent Setting report and business plan update28/06/2024For Determination26/02/2025
KD 5770 - 2025/26 Treasury Management Strategy28/06/2024For Determination26/02/2025
KD 5769 - 2025/26 - 2034/35 Ten Year Capital Programme Budget and Strategy28/06/2024For Determination26/02/2025
KD 5768 - 2025/26 Capital Strategy & 2025/26 - 2034/35 10 Year Capital Programme Progress Update28/06/2024For Determination26/02/2025
KD 5772 - Implementation of a Lane Rental Scheme in Enfield17/06/2024For DeterminationNot before 19/07/2024
KD 5765 - Borough Capital Programme 2024/25 – Parks, Open Spaces and Cemeteries11/06/2024For DeterminationNot before 10/07/2024
KD 5764 - Disposal of Phase 1 Montagu Industrial Estate10/06/2024For DeterminationNot before 09/07/2024
KD 5762 - Edmonton Leisure Centre07/06/2024For Determination16/10/2024
KD 5749 - Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy31/05/2024For Determination06/11/2024
KD 5756 - Appointment of Independent Distribution Network Operator (IDNO) - Strategic Infrastructure Works (SIW)31/05/2024For Determination11/09/2024
KD 5757 - Acquisition of properties for use as temporary accommodation either directly or through a company vehicle (out of borough - West Yorkshire)23/05/2024For DeterminationNot before 30/06/2024
KD 5755 - Extension of Vehicle Crossover and Associated Works Contract21/05/2024For DeterminationNot before 21/06/2024
KD 5754 - Youth Offer and Modernising Youth Services Consultation20/05/2024For DeterminationNot before 26/06/2024
KD 5752 - Our Active Wellbeing Strategy10/05/2024For Determination06/11/2024
KD 5748 - Delivery of Upton and Raynham02/05/2024For DeterminationNot before 31/05/2024
KD 5746 - Receipt of GLA Grant for District Heating Infrastructure30/04/2024For DeterminationNot before 31/05/2024
KD 5745 - Replacement of 5 x Refuse Collection Vehicles30/04/2024For DeterminationNot before 31/07/2024
KD 5742 - Disposal of surplus Council property assets and land30/04/2024For Determination12/03/2025
KD 5738 - Alma Estate - Revision of the Development Agreement30/04/2024For DeterminationNot before 03/06/2024
KD 5740 - Licensing Act Policy and Gambling Act Policy30/04/2024For Determination16/10/2024
KD 5739 - Speech and Language Resource Base Review11/04/2024For DeterminationNot before 10/05/2024
KD 5737 - Direct Award - DGT Via NHS Framework03/04/2024For DeterminationNot before 02/05/2024
KD 5736 - NHS Supply Chain Framework Agreement03/04/2024For DeterminationNot before 02/05/2024
KD 5732 - Oaktree - Expansion28/03/2024For Determination01/2025
KD 5734 Approval to acquire property or enter into other arrangements in line with our placement policy for the purpose of providing temporary accommodation18/03/2024For DeterminationNot before 16/04/2024
KD 5722 - All DARs for Compliance, Maintenance and Repairs Contracts 24-2529/02/2024For DeterminationNot before 01/04/2024
KD 5726 - External Funding to support the Investment in Council Homes15/02/2024For DeterminationNot before 15/03/2024
KD 5718 - Vehicle Crossings and Associated Works Contract31/01/2024For DeterminationNot before 01/04/2024
KD 5717 - SEND Case Management System (SEND CMS) Implementation31/01/2024For DeterminationNot before 29/02/2024
KD 5711 - Levelling Up Angel Edmonton14/12/2023For DeterminationNot before 26/01/2024
KD 5702 - Retender of supported accommodation 16-2530/11/2023For DeterminationNot before 01/01/2024
KD 5692 - Funding for Stop Smoking Services06/11/2023For DeterminationNot before 04/12/2023
KD 5690 - Legal Services for Income and Debt31/10/2023For DeterminationNot before 08/12/2023
KD 5688 - Management of Cycle Parking Hangars31/10/2023For DeterminationNot before 01/12/2023
KD 5686 - Award of works contract for One Public Estate project31/10/2023For DeterminationNot before 24/01/2024
KD 5660 - VCS Contracts Review - approval to procure29/09/2023For DeterminationNot before 30/11/2023
KD 5673 - SAP support contract renewal26/09/2023For DeterminationNot before 30/10/2023
KD 5659 - Meridian Water - Meridian Four Delivery Strategy31/08/2023For DeterminationNot before 31/10/2023
KD 5651 - Borough Capital Programme 2023/24 – Parks and Open Spaces09/08/2023For DeterminationNot before 30/09/2023
KD 5648 - Provision of Barrowell Green Recycling Centre28/07/2023For DeterminationNot before 31/08/2023
KD 5644 - Approval of the Food Service Plan 2023/2428/07/2023For DeterminationNot before 01/09/2023
KD 5639 - Self-Drive Hire of Motor Vehicles including Passenger Transport Minibuses29/06/2023For DeterminationNot before 31/07/2023
KD 5633 - Homelessness Housing Schemes31/05/2023For DeterminationNot before 28/06/2023
KD 5630 - Sanctuary Care Contract Extension at Parkview House31/05/2023For DeterminationNot before 31/07/2023
KD 5626 - Extension of contract for provision of semi-independent accommodation with support for Looked After Children and/or Adolescent & Leaving Care Service clients aged 16+04/05/2023For DeterminationNot before 02/06/2023
KD 5623 - Montagu Industrial Estate - Updated Business case and redevelopment options28/04/2023For DeterminationNot before 02/10/2024
KD 5622 - Grant funding allocations for 2023/24 for transport and place making projects28/04/2023For DeterminationNot before 24/05/2023
KD 5618 - Letting Old Magistrates Court12/04/2023For DeterminationNot before 12/05/2023
KD 5612 - To authorise the procurement of enforcement agent services once the current concession agreement ends31/03/2023For DeterminationNot before 30/04/2023
KD 5604 - Contract Extension for Mental Health Rehabilitation Step-Down service10/03/2023For DeterminationNot before 07/04/2023
KD 5603 - Approach to Quieter Neighbourhoods in Enfield01/03/2023For DeterminationNot before 03/04/2023
KD 5593 - B Block Future28/02/2023For DeterminationNot before 02/10/2024
KD 5599 - Disposal of sites for Custom Build Homes Scheme22/02/2023For Determination23/03/2023
KD 5595 - Enfield Let Accredited Agent Scheme14/02/2023For DeterminationNot before 01/09/2023
KD 5596 - Increase IBAA Rates14/02/2023For DeterminationNot before 01/09/2023
KD 5592 - Granting of master wayleave framework for fibre broadband in Enfield for Council Social Housing Portfolio09/02/2023For DeterminationNot before 10/03/2023
KD 5583 - SBSS/Nexus at Electric Quarter workspace fitout31/01/2023For DeterminationNot before 01/09/2023
KD 5578 - Borough Capital Programme 2023/24 – Highways and Street Scene31/01/2023For DeterminationNot before 28/02/2023
KD 5580 - Provision of Enfield Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) 2023 – 202609/01/2023For DeterminationNot before 07/02/2023
KD 5577 - Support services for Revenues & Benefits Team22/12/2022For Determination31/03/2024
KD 5563 - Unified communication programme - Platform16/11/2022For DeterminationNot before 20/12/2022
KD 5557 - Approach to motor vehicle exemptions for transport projects07/11/2022For DeterminationNot before 05/12/2022
KD 5552 - Supply and Install New Traffic Cameras31/10/2022For DeterminationNot before 01/12/2022
KD 5551 - Provision of Environmental Enforcement Services31/10/2022For DeterminationNot before 01/01/2023
KD 5535 - Hadley Wood Primary School Windows Replacement30/09/2022For DeterminationNot before 01/11/2022
KD 5533 - Enfield Community Law Enforcement Team30/09/2022For DeterminationNot before 01/09/2023
KD 5528 - Appointment of a Principal Contractor for the Construction of Phases 0-3 at Joyce Avenue and Snell's Park30/09/2022For DeterminationNot before 21/12/2022
KD 5527 - Roman Way Garages (Avenues Estate) Development31/08/2022For DeterminationNot before 30/09/2022
KD 5521 - Joyce and Snell's Compulsory Purchase08/08/2022For DeterminationNot before 02/10/2024
KD 5520 - Global Custody Tendering05/08/2022For DeterminationNot before 26/09/2022
KD 5516 - Montagu Industrial Estate - Revised Business case/Masterplan29/07/2022For DeterminationNot before 01/11/2022
KD 5508 - Supporting Council Priorities with a Strengthened Finance Team29/07/2022For DeterminationNot before 29/08/2022
KD 5510 - Award of contract for provision of agency home care (including personal care) for children and young people.29/07/2022For DeterminationNot before 02/01/2024
KD 5509 - Contract remodelling and renewal of the Young Person's accommodation pathway21/07/2022For DeterminationNot before 19/08/2022
KD 5506 - Civica on Demand Contracts Amalgamation and Extension15/07/2022For DeterminationNot before 15/08/2022
KD 5505 - Exeter Road and Upton & Raynham Main Contractor Procurement15/07/2022For DeterminationNot before 15/08/2022
KD 5442 - Contract Extension for the Provision of Household Waste Recycling at Barrowell Green Recycling Centre31/03/2022For Determination06/2022
KD 5430 - Review of Enfield Repairs Direct31/01/2022For DeterminationNot before 01/11/2024
KD 5427 - Creation of an Internal Enforcement Agent team14/01/2022For DeterminationNot before 31/05/2023
KD 5388 - Rough Sleeper's Accommodation Programme 21-24 Project01/10/2021For DeterminationNot before 31/10/2021
KD 5360 - Asset Protection Agreement with Network Rail30/06/2021For DeterminationNot before 31/08/2021
KD 5322 - Upton & Raynham Design Services Contract Variation28/05/2021For DeterminationNot before 25/06/2021
KD 5300 - Land Acquisition for Meridian Water SIW26/02/2021For DeterminationNot before 26/03/2021
KD 5290 - Disposal of HRA Assets26/02/2021For DeterminationNot before 01/04/2021
KD 5297 - Ponders End High Street Improvements16/02/2021For DeterminationNot before 17/03/2021
KD 5282 - Disposal of former Ridge Avenue Clinic, Enfield29/01/2021For DeterminationNot before 26/02/2021
KD 5283 - Disposal of former Magistrates Court, Enfield29/01/2021For DeterminationNot before 26/02/2021
KD 5259 - Adult Social Care Floating Support Contract Extension01/12/2020For DeterminationNot before 01/01/2021
KD 5226 - Meridian Water Community Housing Strategy30/09/2020For DeterminationNot before 01/09/2023
KD 5194 - Approval of Rural Managing Agent05/08/2020For DeterminationNot before 14/09/2020
KD 5185 - Confirming, amending or withdrawing an Article 4 Direction31/07/2020For DeterminationNot before 16/09/2020
KD 5178 - Street Trading Policy30/06/2020For DeterminationNot before 01/06/2022
KD 5167 - Local London E-Business Programme29/05/2020For DeterminationNot before 30/06/2020
KD 5094 - Making of a non-immediate Article 4 Direction31/01/2020For DeterminationNot before 20/07/2020
KD 4633 - Community Infrastructure Levy Neighbourhood Proportion21/12/2017For DeterminationNot before 01/04/2020
KD 4625 - Disposal of former caretakers lodge , Bell Lane to Housing Gateway Limited30/11/2017For DeterminationNot before 10/01/2018
KD 4626 - Disposal of retail shop and upper parts at 245/247 Chase Road, Southgate30/11/2017For DeterminationNot before 02/01/2018
KD 4601 - Procurement of Water for Corporate Buildings and Schools31/10/2017For DeterminationNot before 01/01/2019
KD 4487 Procurement of concierge and cleaning services for Brickfield House31/03/2017For DeterminationNot before 01/07/2019
KD 4391 Implementation of Microsoft Power BI to deliver robust Council reporting19/08/2016For Determination01/01/2019
KD 4353 Flexible Housing site identification29/06/2016For DeterminationNot before 01/01/2019
KD 3629 Chargeable Works in Respect of Re-furbishment of Dorset and Keys Houses28/02/2014For DeterminationNot before 01/01/2019
KD 3432 Approve the Disposal and Letting of Council Owned Sites28/02/2014For DeterminationNot before 01/01/2019
KD 3227 Approval of Departmental Fees and Charges28/02/2014For DeterminationNot before 01/01/2019
KD 3051 To Write-Off Miscellaneous Debts Considered Irrecoverable by the Council.28/02/2014For DeterminationNot before 01/01/2019