Petition details

Traffic Calming on Barrowell Green

We the undersigned petition the Council to introduce traffic calming measures on the Barrowell Green for public saftey

The road, Barrowell Green, is used as a bypass to avoid the traffic lights at Green Lanes/Bourne Hill.

The part immediately opposite the Recycling Centre (|Point_s_A|0&t=Point%20A&v=r) is a blind corner.

Cars can been heard speeding up this road.

Multiple RTA have been reported and I have been witness to 3, the most recent involved a young woman being crushed against her car. The severity of incidents has increased.

There are multiple playing fields connect to this road and a shortcut to the Winchmore school and Highfield Primary school... how long before a child is knocked down and you retrospectively introduce measures.

Act before its too late.

This Petition ran from 05/03/2018 to 01/05/2018 and has now finished.

One person signed this Petition.