Petition details

Arnos Grove CPZ

We the undersigned petition the Council to not implement the proposed CPZ for Arnos Grove ward.

1- The area does not suffer any parking issues.
2- The proposed area is not near Arnos Grove tube station but this is the justification for the CPZ.
3- Any parking problems are due to the building of apartments on the Arnos Grove tube station car park. Why should the residents of Southgate suffer for this decision?
4- Implementing this scheme in Southgate will create parking problems in other areas by forcing vehicles to find parking further afield.
5- The proposed operating hours and fees are draconian in the extreme and completely unjustifiable.
To go from having a CPZ around Arnos Grove tube station with only a 1 hour restriction "existing one-hour weekday controls (11am to noon)" to basically 11.5 hours 7 days a week is utterly disproportionate and not based on deterring vehicles parking outside residential properties all day.

This Petition runs from 11/08/2024 to 22/09/2024.

184 people have signed this Petition.