Issue details

KD 5717 - SEND Case Management System (SEND CMS) Implementation

The SEND CMS project aims to replace the existing case management system (Synergy) being used by the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) service which is no longer fit for purpose, and address system requirements for the Educational Psychologists and Behaviour Support Teams. A System integrator (SI) consultancy have successfully delivered the discovery, scoping and ‘first phase’ of the Implementation for the project, which has identified Liquid Logic EHCP as the preferred system for Enfield Council. A decision is now required to enable the Council to enter a competitive procurement process to procure a specialist delivery SI partner to deliver the ‘second phase’ of the implementation and complete the remaining deliverables for the project by Q3 FY 2024/2025 (Dec 2024).

The reason for the Key Decision is to approve funding for Implementation of SEND CMS project and enable the Council to go out to tender to identify a preferred delivery partner to deliver the remaining deliverables for the project on behalf of the Council.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure/Savings > £500,000;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/01/2024

Decision due: Not before 29th Jan 2025 by Executive Director - Resources

Department: People Department

Contact: Kevin Moir, Head of Strategic Portfolio & Projects Email: Tel: 0204 526 5306, Bansi Williams, Senior Technical Project Manager Email:

Part 1/2 (Para x): Part 1