Issue details

KD 5785 - Individual Placement Support Fund contract extension

Request for extending the DWP funded Individual Placement Support (IPS) contracts in Enfield and Haringey.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant Impact on 2 or more Wards;

Decision status: Abandoned

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/07/2024

Department: People Department

Contact: Nat Buckeridge, Relationship and Partnership Manager, Hsg & Regen Email:, Iain Hart, Mental Health Service Development Manager Email: Tel: 020 8132 0500.


Clare Paine - Legal
Matthew Jones - Procurement
Andrew Demehin - Finance

Part 1/2 (Para x): Part 1 & 2 (Para 3)