Agenda item

Scrutiny Annual Work Programme 2009/10

To receive the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (No. 69B) setting out the annual work programme for the Council’s Scrutiny Panels and Overview & Scrutiny Committee (OSC).  The Council’s Constitution requires that the combined work programmes proposed by each Panel are adopted by Council (as an annual scrutiny work programme), on the recommendation of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, following consultation with the Cabinet and Corporate Management Board (CMB).


The attached report is to be considered at the Cabinet meeting on 16 September 2009.


Councillor Prescott moved and Councillor Pearce seconded the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (No. 69B) setting out the annual work programme for the Council’s Scrutiny Panels and Overview & Scrutiny Committee (OSC). 




1.            that the Council’s Constitution requires that the combined work programmes proposed by each Panel are adopted by Council (as an annual scrutiny work programme), on the recommendation of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, following consultation with the Cabinet and Corporate Management Board (CMB).

2.            that at the meeting held on 16 September 2009, Cabinet agreed to recommend the 2009/20 Annual Scrutiny Work Programme onto Council for formal approval.


AGREED to adopt the Annual Scrutiny Work Programme for 2009/10.

Supporting documents: