Issue - meetings

MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS (15 Minutes Approximately)

Meeting: 28/03/2007 - Council (Item 2)



Members were advised of the recent death of Betty Jukes, former Mayor’s Secretary. Members observed a minute’s silence in her memory.


The Mayor made the following announcement:


As this is the last ordinary Council meeting of this municipal year, I would like to thank all Councillors for electing me as Mayor, it has been a privilege to serve the Borough in this capacity and I have been grateful for the opportunity to serve. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Rhoda Aldridge, Melanie Harris, Norman Bremner and Stephen Rose for all of their hard work on my behalf.


I have enjoyed a large number of activities in and out of the Borough and have met a number of other Mayors.


In response to the above, Councillor Rye expressed his thanks on behalf of Members for Councillor Dey’s years service as Mayor of Enfield. It was recognised that the Mayor is placed under tremendous strain with a huge number of duties. Councillor Rye, on behalf of Members, wished Councillor Dey every success during his remaining time on the Council.


Councillor Rodin echoed the comments of Councillor Rye. Councillor Dey had done an excellent job in sometimes difficult circumstances and with good humour.