Issue - meetings


Meeting: 28/03/2007 - Council (Item 14)


 13.1   In the name of Councillor Boast


“Enfield Council calls upon the Government to repeal any laws or regulations stemming from the European Working Time Directive that impede the emergency services in the performance of their duties.”


13.2    In the name of Councillor McCannah


Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd. is currently in liquidation. The liquidators are in the process of completing their inquiries and, in due course, may report to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) on the conduct of the company and its directors. When this process is completed it is vital that the public of the Borough are able to examine the reasons for the failure of the company and Council resolves to set up a special scrutiny commission, at a date to be decided following the completion of the liquidators' work and the conclusions of the DTI, to examine the reasons for and the consequences of the insolvency of Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd.


13.3    In the name of Councillor Giladi


“Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd is currently in liquidation.  The liquidators are in the process of completing their inquiries and, in due course, may report to the Department of Trade and Industry on the conduct of the company and its directors.  When this process is completed, it is vital that the public of the borough are able to examine the reasons for the insolvency of the company. The Council resolves to set up a special scrutiny commission, with a budget and access to external professional support, at a date to be decided following the completion of the liquidators’ work and the conclusions of the DTI to examine:


1.      The relationship between the Council and Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd prior to the insolvency, including how funding and policy decisions by the Council impacted on the viability of the company.

2.      The full cost to the Council of the liquidation and how this compares to an alternative strategy of increasing the Council’s subsidy to the company.

3.      The reasons for the early closure of Edmonton Leisure Centre and the closure of Bramley Road squash courts.

4.      Any other relevant matter that the Commission decides”.


13.4         In the name of Councillor Rodin


“This Council values the contribution made by its black communities as well as others and proposes to erect a monument marking the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade”.


1.         In the name of Councillor Boast


“Enfield Council calls upon the Government to repeal any laws or regulations stemming from the European Working Time Directive that impede the emergency services in the performance of their duties”.


The above motion lapsed because of insufficient time.


2.         In the name of Councillor McCannah


(Minute No.6 also refers)


“Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd. is currently in liquidation. The liquidators are in the process of completing their inquiries and, in due course, may report to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) on the conduct of the company and its directors. When this process is completed it is vital that the public of the Borough are able to examine the reasons for the failure of the company and Council resolves to set up a special scrutiny commission, at a date to be decided following the completion of the liquidators’ work and the conclusions of the DTI, to examine the reasons for and the consequences of the insolvency of Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd.”


After a lengthy debate, Councillor Giladi moved and Councillor Rye seconded the following amendment to the above motion with the addition of:


“and to examine:


1.                  The relationship between the Council and Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd. prior to the insolvency, including how funding and policy decisions by the Council impacted on the viability of the company.

2.                  The full cost to the Council of the liquidation and how this compares to an alternative strategy of increasing the Council’s subsidy to the company.

3.                  The reasons for the early closure of Edmonton Leisure Centre and the closure of Bramley Road squash courts.

4.                  Any other relevant matter that the Commission decides”.


(Agenda item 13.3 and motion 3 below refers – motion in the name of Councillor Giladi)


Following further debate, Councillor Hurer moved and Councillor Rye seconded that the amended motion be now put. This was agreed.


AGREED on being put to the vote, that the amended motion be carried unanimously.


3.         In the name of Councillor Giladi


Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd is currently in liquidation. The liquidators are in the process of completing their inquiries and, in due course, may report to the Department of Trade and Industry on the conduct of the company and its directors. When this process is completed, it is vital that the public of the borough are able to examine the reasons for the insolvency of the company. The Council resolves to set up a special scrutiny commission, with a budget and access to external professional support, at a date to be decided following the completion of the liquidators’ work and the conclusions of the DTI to examine:


1.         The relationship between the Council and Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd prior to the insolvency, including how funding and policy decisions by the Council impacted on the viability of the company.

2.         The full cost to the Council of the liquidation and how this compares to an alternative strategy of increasing the Council’s subsidy to the company.

3.         The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14