Issue - meetings

Implementing the Enfield Food Strategy

Meeting: 06/07/2011 - Council (Item 41)

41 Enfield Joint Dementia Strategy 2011-2016 pdf icon PDF 54 KB

To receive a report (No.235) from the Director of Health, Housing & Adult Social Care seeking approval to the Enfield Joint Dementia Strategy 2011 – 2016.


The recommendations set out in the report were endorsed at the Cabinet meeting held on 27 April 2011. (Key Decision – Reference No.3260)


Please note the Annexes referred to in the report containing the full strategy have already been circulated to all members as part of the Cabinet agenda from the 27 April 2011.  As agreed by Cabinet, a copy of the Executive Summary from the Strategy has been attached to the above report for consideration by Council.  A copy of the full strategy has been placed, for reference, in the Members Library and, if required, additional copies can also be obtained by contacting James Kinsella (Governance Secretariat).

Additional documents:


Councillor McGowan moved and Councillor Brett seconded the report (No.235) of the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care seeking approval to the Enfield Joint Dementia Strategy 2011-2016.



1.      The thanks to officers from both NHS Enfield and the Council for their work in preparing the joint strategy.

2.      The aim of the strategy, setting out how Enfield would develop and deliver health and social care services to better meet the needs of people with dementia and their careers over the next 5 years (2011-2016).  The strategy outlined 11 key strategic objectives that had been developed following consultation with local stakeholders.  The objectives were aligned to the National Dementia Strategy.

3.      The projected increase for demand in dementia services in Enfield as a result of a predicted 44% increase in those with late onset dementia by 2030.

4.      The concerns highlighted during the debate in relation to the additional expenditure identified as required jointly across the NHS and Council.

5.      An implementation plan, including indicative resource implications, had been developed for delivery of the strategy with many of the commissioning intentions identified as cost neutral, to be delivered through either:

a.      reprioritised activity;

b.      more efficient use of existing resources;

c       developing partnerships with primary care services and funding provided

6.      Where implementation of the strategy required additional resources, these would need to be addressed through the Council’s annual budget setting process.

7.      The recommendations set out in the report had been endorsed by Cabinet on 27 April 2011.




(1)    To note the contents of the report.


(2)    To approve the Enfield Joint Dementia Strategy 2011-16