Issue - meetings


Meeting: 14/09/2011 - Cabinet (Item 28)

Highmead Development Partner Selection

To consider a report from the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care and Director of Regeneration, Leisure and Culture. This should be read in conjunction with Report No.85, agenda part one refers. The report will be restricted and tabled at the meeting for Cabinet Members’ consideration.

(Report No.89 – to be tabled)

( 9.45 – 9.50 pm)


(This document contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended).

(Key decision – reference number 3306)


Councillor Ahmet Oykener (Cabinet Member for Housing) introduced the report of the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care and Director of Regeneration, Leisure and Culture (No.89) which was circulated at the meeting and collected in following discussion.




1.         Report No.85 also referred as detailed in Minute No.16 above.


2.                  The bid that members are being recommended to accept increases the amount of affordable housing; includes positive steps to encourage and assist first time buyers, providing compatibility with Code 4 for sustainable homes. 


3.                  The development agreement with the developer will be signed as soon as possible.


4.                  There were two to three objections to the compulsory purchase orders for the remaining occupied retail premises.


5.                  The Council is in a relatively strong position as regards the negotiations with the three remaining retail properties. 


6.                  The preferred contractor had included a number of assumptions in their bid. 


7.                  The section 106 agreement would include contributions for amenity space, education, public art and the fitting out of a new community building. The developer has also committed funds to improve adjacent roads and pavements. 


8.                  There was onsite affordable housing provision rather offsite provision. 


9.                  The Council is in a relatively strong negotiating position as regards the compulsory purchase orders on the three remaining retail properties. 


10.             Any public enquiry would be completed by Spring 2012.


11.             Peter George and his colleagues were thanked for their work on this project. 


Alternative Options Considered:


The alternative options are set out in report number 85. 




1.                  To appoint Bidder B as the Council’s preferred development partner for the Highmead project.


2.                  To authorise the repurchase of all remaining Highmead commercial tenants being delegated to the Assistant Director of Property Services in consultation with the Cabinet member for Finance & Property.


3.                  To endorse the Highmead GP Centre Business Case and authorise a covering letter of support to be jointly signed by the Leader and Chief Executive of the Council.


4.                  To authorise the Council’s Legal Services to obtain all the necessary statutory consents and to exchange contracts in respect of the Development Agreement and all other associated legal documentation that the Council is obligated to complete to comply with the Development Agreement including those agreements that will govern the relationship between the preferred development partner and the Council.


5.                  To authorise the Council to complete the Section 106 Agreement in its capacity as the freehold owner of the site.


6.                  To authorise the Council to complete a Nominations Agreement with the Registered Provider partner of Bidder B for this development.


7.                  To delegate authority to the Authorised Officer within Legal Services to complete the Development Agreement, the Sec. 106 Agreement, the Nominations Agreement’s and all other associated legal documentation that the Council is obligated to complete to comply with the Development Agreement including those agreements that govern the relationship between the preferred development partner and the Council.


8.                  To note the actions still required by the Council post contract closure.


9.                  To  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28