A report from the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care will be circulated as soon as possible. This seeks approval of Enfield’s new Allocations Scheme for endorsement by full Council. (Key decision – reference number 3413)
(Report No.96)
(7.20 – 7.30 pm)
Additional documents:
Councillor Ahmet Oykener (Cabinet Member for Housing) introduced the report of the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care (No.96) seeking approval of Enfield’s new Allocations Scheme.
1. that the report was due to be considered by full Council at its meeting on 7 November 2012;
2. the considerable amount of work which had been involved in bringing together a revised Allocations Scheme for Enfield. It was a challenging time and many changes had taken place. Councillor Oykener expressed his thanks and appreciation to both the individual officers (Sally McTernan, Susan Sharry, Liz Smale, Neil Harris and Rita Foran) who had been closely involved in this area of work; and, to the Councillors involved in an advisory group with him in bringing this significant document together (Councillors Hamilton, Georgiou, Simon, Brett, Uzoanya and Ibrahim). Detailed discussions had taken place and a fair and transparent document had been produced which was now being presented for approval;
3. that Members’ supported the revised Allocations Scheme as set out in the report.
Alternative Options Considered: NOTED the following alternative options considered:
1. Retain the current allocations scheme. Retaining the current allocations scheme was not an option because it was subject to legal challenges, complex to administer, lacks flexibility and was no longer able to meet local housing priorities.
2. Make minor amendments to the current allocations scheme. Minor adjustments to the current points scheme (which measures housing priority) could be made as well as strengthening the scheme to avoid legal challenges around housing assessments and use of the Choice Based Lettings System. The legal and policy context for allocating social rented housing has changed significantly meaning minor adjustments were not recommended.
1. to approve Enfield’s new Allocations Scheme;
2. to approve an on-going review of the Allocations Scheme during the first year of operation from the full implementation date with major changes reported back to Cabinet at the end of one year for a decision on whether to take to full Council;
3. to authorise the Cabinet Member for Housing to approve minor changes to the allocations Scheme to address practical issues revealed by the on-going review or made necessary due to further legislation or case law.
DECISION: Cabinet agreed to approve the creation of a single assessment and allocations function to improve the customer’s experience which would be under the Council’s control.
Reason: Enfield’s current allocations scheme was subject to frequent legal challenge and no longer meets local priorities for allocating social rented housing in the Borough.
(Key decision – reference number 3413)