Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/05/2015 - Council (Item 4)


To elect the Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the Municipal Year 2015/2016.


Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Neville seconded the nomination of Councillor Patricia Ekechi as Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the 2015/16 Municipal Year.


In moving the nomination Councillor Taylor highlighted the important role of the Mayor, not only in terms of chairing Council but also in terms of acting as a representative and ambassador as the “First Citizen” of the borough.  Councillor Ekechi was recognised as someone with a great deal of local knowledge and experience, having lived in the borough for more than 30 years.  During her time as a councillor she had also gained a wide level of experience serving on a range of committee’s and scrutiny bodies as well as in her previous role as Deputy Mayor.  Councillor Taylor highlighted what he felt would be the dignity and commitment in terms of the way that Councillor Ekechi would serve as Mayor and advised that he was therefore pleased to be able to move her nomination, for what he was sure would be a highly successful year as Mayor.


Councillor Neville, in seconding the nomination on behalf of the Conservative Group, recognised the experience and commitment that it was felt Councillor Ekechi would bring to the role.  In wishing her every success in her year as Mayor he also took the opportunity to highlight the continued importance in ensuring that Council meetings were chaired in a fair and impartial manner and the borough continued to be represented as widely as possible.


AGREED that Councillor Patricia Ekechi be elected as Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the 2015/16 Municipal Year.


The motion was agreed unanimously (without a vote).  Councillor Ekechi then made and signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was invested with the badge of office by the retiring Mayor, Councillor Bakir.

Meeting: 11/06/2014 - Council (Item 2)


To elect the Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the Municipal Year 2014/2015.


Before starting formal proceedings the outgoing Mayor, Chaudhury Anwar MBE advised everyone attending that the meeting was being recorded by the Council along with a number of other media agencies and filmed for the purpose of relaying proceedings into Committee Room 1 where additional guests had been seated.  He advised that filming would be focussed on the main participants during the meeting but if anyone did not wish to be filmed they would need to advise a member of staff.  No objections were raised.


He then took the opportunity to formally thank Ingrid Cranfield and her consort Adam for their hard work and support as his Deputy Mayor over the previous year.  Ingrid Cranfield was invited to come forward so he could present her with a certificate, in recognition of the work she had undertaken during her term as Deputy Mayor.


As a final announcement, Members were then advised of the recent deaths of two former Councillors – Richard Course and John Yates.  Council was informed that Richard Course had served as a member of the Council between 1986 – 1998, representing Arnos Ward.  John Yates had served as a member of the Council between 1990 – 2002, representing Chase Ward.  A minutes silence was then observed as a mark of respect for both former Councillors.


The formal part of the meeting then commenced.  Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Neville seconded the nomination of Councillor Ali Bakir as Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the 2014/15 Municipal Year.


In moving the nomination Councillor Taylor highlighted the important role of the Mayor, not only in terms of chairing Council but also in terms of representing the borough and enhancing civic pride.  Councillor Bakir was recognised as someone who was passionate about the local community they served role and role of Mayor, which Councillor Taylor felt Councillor Bakir would perform with diligence, commitment and respect.  He was therefore pleased to be able to move Councillor Bakir’s nomination, for what he was sure would be a highly successful year as Mayor.


Councillor Neville, in seconding the nomination on behalf of the Conservative Group, also wished Councillor Bakir every success for his year as Mayor.


AGREED that Councillor Ali Bakir be elected as Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the 2014/15 Municipal Year.


The motion was agreed unanimously (without a vote).  Councillor Bakir then made and signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was invested with the badge of office by the retiring Mayor, Chaudhury Anwar MBE.

Meeting: 08/05/2013 - Council (Item 3)


To elect the Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the Municipal Year 2013/2014.


Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Lavender seconded the nomination of Councillor Chaudhury Anwar MBE as Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the 2013/14 Municipal Year.


In moving the nomination Councillor Taylor highlighted Councillor Anwar’s long history of local involvement in the voluntary and community sector which he felt provided a very good understanding of the issues and challenges faced by people living and working within the borough.  His passion for fairness and  equality would also, he felt, ensure that he was well placed to engage and work with the diverse range of communities across the borough.  He was also pleased, as a fellow ward councillor, to be able to move Councillor Anwar’s nomination for what he was sure would be a highly successful year as Mayor.


Councillor Lavender, on behalf of the Conservative Group, advised that he was pleased to second Councillor Anwar’s nomination for what he also looked forward to as a successful year for the Mayor.


AGREED that Councillor Chaudhury Anwar MBE be elected as Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the 2013/14 Municipal Year.


The motion was agreed unanimously (without a vote).  Councillor Anwar then made and signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was invested with the badge of office by the retiring Mayor, Councillor Kate Anolue.

Meeting: 09/05/2012 - Council (Item 3)


To elect the Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the Municipal Year 2012/2013.


Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Lavender seconded the nomination of Councillor Kate Anolue as Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the 2012/13 Municipal Year.


AGREED that Councillor Kate Anolue be elected as Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the 2012/13 Municipal Year.


The motion was agreed unanimously (without a vote).  Councillor Anolue then made and signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was invested with the badge of office by the retiring Mayor, Councillor Christiana During.