11 Proposed Submission Development Management Document PDF 240 KB
A report from the Director of Regeneration, Leisure and Culture is attached. This seeks approval, for recommendation to Council, of the Proposed Submission Development Management Document and the subsequent consultation and submission, together with the necessary supporting documents to the Secretary of State for independent examination. (Key decision – reference number 3612)
(Report No.179)
(8.45 – 8.50 pm)
Additional documents:
Councillor Del Goddard (Cabinet Member for Business and Regeneration) introduced the report of the Director of Regeneration, Leisure and Culture (No.179) seeking approval of the Proposed Submission Development Management Document and the subsequent consultation and submission, together with the necessary supporting documents to the Secretary of State for independent examination.
1. that the Development Management Document (DMD) was a key document which formed part of Enfield’s Local Plan and set out policies which would be used to determine all planning applications. The document had been subject to extensive consultation;
2. that a schedule of amendments to the Proposed Submission Development Management Document was circulated at the meeting, following agreement at the Local Plan Cabinet Sub-Committee held on 18 March 2013 (the schedule of amendments was set out in full in the minutes of the Local Plan Cabinet Sub-Committee). It was noted that representations had been received from Councillor Terence Neville with regard to parking issues. The points raised had been discussed by the Sub-Committee and a form of words agreed with Members and officers concerned;
3. Members’ attention was drawn to an area of potential challenge within the document in relation to affordable housing and references to rental levels as the Council’s views were not conforming to those of the GLA and the London Plan. Enfield’s views were shared by other local authorities.
Alternative Options Considered: None. In the context of the changes to national planning guidance, it was imperative that the Development Management Document is adopted to provide an up to date Local Plan to inform planning decisions. The Development Management Document must be submitted for examination in accordance with Government legislation.
1. approval of the proposed submission version of the Development Management Document and Policies Map, together with the schedule of amendments circulated at the meeting, for a statutory 6 week publication and subsequent submission to the Secretary of State.
2. agreement that the Cabinet Member for Business and Regeneration be authorised to agree the publication of the Sustainability Appraisal and Equality Impact Assessment of the Proposed Submission Development Management Document.
3. agreement that the Director of Regeneration, Leisure and Culture, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Business and Regeneration be authorised, to agree appropriate changes to the Proposed Submission version of the Development Management Document and any further consultation required, in the run up to and during the public examination process into the document, in response to representations received, requests from the Planning Inspector and any emerging evidence, guidance or legal advice. Changes of a substantive nature may be considered by the Local Plan Cabinet Sub-Committee.
Reason: To progress with the approval of the Proposed Submission Development Management Document for submission to the Government for independent examination, in accordance with Government legislation.
(Key decision – reference number 3612)