10 Award of Contracts for Three Services for Substance Misuse Provision in Enfield PDF 178 KB
A report from the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care and Director of Public Health is attached. This seeks approval to award contracts for three services for substance misuse provision in Enfield. (Report No.167, agenda part two also refers) (Key decision – reference numbers 3736/3737/3738)
(Report No.165)
(8.40 – 8.45 pm)
Councillor Christine Hamilton (Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing and Public Health) introduced the report of the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care and Director of Public Health (No.165) seeking approval to the award of three contracts for substance misuse provision in Enfield.
1. That Report No.167 also referred as detailed in Minute No.20 below.
2. A full tender process had been implemented which adhered to Corporate Procurement Procedures and EU Procurement Regulations. The new contracts included an initial contracting period of three years with optional extensions on a two yearly basis rolling up to a further four years, as set out in the report.
3. The financial and performance elements of the contracts as detailed in the report.
4. Councillor Hamilton expressed her thanks and appreciation to Bindi Nagra (Joint Chief Commissioning Officer) and Andrew Thomson (Strategy Manager – Drug and Alcohol Action Team).
Alternative Options Considered: There were no alternative options to tendering externally as Enfield Council was unable to directly provide such a specialist service in-house within a competitive price range. There was no option to extend the existing contracts as this would leave Enfield Council vulnerable to a challenge as the opportunity to extend was not detailed during the last tender process and two of the contracts did not contain such provision.
DECISION: The Cabinet
1. Noted that the tender process had adhered to Corporate Procurement Procedures, EU Procurement Regulations and the new contracts would afford the Council with on-going year on year performance and value for money benefits.
2. Noted the procurement process and endorsed the award of the three contracts to the preferred bidders, as outlined in part 2 of the report (Minute No.20 below refers), for an initial period of three years, with the option to apply extensions on a two yearly basis rolling up to four further years.
Reason: It was important that the Council sustained substance misuse provision to: reduce the levels of harm caused by substance misuse to health and especially address the health inequalities in the Borough; reduce drug and alcohol related crime and anti-social behaviours; ensure that the Council’s residents had direct access to services to help them make a positive and direct contribution towards the community; to ensure that young people had the best opportunity to stay safe, achieve and made a positive contribution; and, to ensure that substance misusing residents had direct access to high quality services that deliver the best interventions in the most cost effective community settings.
(Key decision – reference numbers 3736/3737/3738)